The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 38

extensions of creation .
You all come from the same place . You will all return to the same place . It is simply an aspect of physical reality that makes you believe you are separate . But you are all one .
Individuality seems like a preferable condition , but it is not . You have simply become accustomed to it . When in the nonphysical realm , you will ? ow together as one of many . You will prefer to be together . You will not see individuality as preferable .
Harmony is a blending of vibration . To live and experience harmony is to live life as who you really are . Without fear there would be only love . You do not need to fear others as they cannot create in your reality . You do not need to fear the poor for they cannot take from you . But if you can share what you have , out of love and abundance , then you can experience a release of fear and love will grow . Out of love comes greater abundance .
You have no enemies when you live in love . Everyone is your enemy when you live in fear .
Now imagine your country governed by conscious people operating from the stance of love . They do not fear loss for they know of the abundance that is the basis of this reality . They do not argue for they know there is no such thing as wrong , just a difference of perspective . They work to see the unique perspective of others and from that view , they understand what the other is wanting . They do not judge , for their position is neutral . The accept what is and place their attention on what is wanted . They do not see problems to solve , they simply orchestrate the mechanism of government from a position of acceptance and appreciation .

We Ar e J oshua

Joshua is a group of nonphysical teachers channeled by Gary Temple Bodley . Their practical teachings provide a greater understanding of the mechanism of physical reality , the Law of Attraction , and how to leverage universal forces to enhance our lives . Joshua ? s ? rst book ? A Perception of Reality ? explains the nature of reality using plain English in an easy-to-understand format . Please visit www . TheTeachingsOfJoshua . com
Page 38 - May , 2018