The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 41

issue , but that the karma would follow the doctor and would need to be met . It is very interesting that Cayce referred to this case as an ? accident ?. When asked further about the matter , Cayce explained that accidents happen throughout creation . It reminds me of Charles Darwin ? s notion of how mutations or genetic accidents steer evolution . Mr . Cayce went on to tell the parents to not let the child feel sorry for herself , but also see this as an opportunity for soul growth .
This example flies in the face of the New Age affirmation that ? there are no accidents ?. Many of us admire the work of Edgar Cayce as it is quite deep and not easily translatable into a bumper sticker format . What Cayce is showing here is that while there are accidents , there is always the opportunity to make meaning out of what happens to us and that most of what happens to us is happening from us more than any other cause . ? We are constantly meeting self ? as Cayce so aptly expressed .
In this third example , I would like to look at the case of Jesus and the blind man ( John 9-3 ) and what lessons there are to glean . Upon encountering a blind man , the disciples ask Jesus about the cause of the man ? s blindness , not unlike the parents I wrote of earlier asking Mr . Cayce for the cause of their child ? s blindness . The disciples though , ask if the man ? s blindness is caused by the man ? s sin or by his parent ? s sin ? It is interesting to note that this is a question about karma . Jesus must have been teaching them about karma for them to have asked this question . But in this example , Jesus moves beyond karma in his answer . He tells the disciples ? Neither the man nor his parent ? s sinned . He is blind to glorify God ? and he proceeds to heal the man of his blindness .
Jesus ? answer is quite unusual . What might He be teaching here ? The first clue is in Jesus saying that the man is here to glorify God . How does the man glorify God ? Let ? s look at some basic Cayce concepts . He has a beautiful reading where he teaches us that ? we grow to Heaven leaning on the


Is the Universal Law of Cause & Effect . You Reap What you Sow
arms of those we have helped ?. So in the physical world , when we help someone , they benefit . If we lend them money or help them with chores , they benefit from our assistance . But on the spiritual level , we benefit from helping another . Those who allow us to help them , are actually helping us . When I lecture around the country , I usually pause here and ask the audience how many find it easier to help others than to be helped ? Most say that they find it easier to help others than be helped . I then chidingly say ? You ? re being selfish ! You ? re hogging up all the soul growth !? While I am using humor to make a point , I hope that the point is well taken . I , too , used to find it much easier to help than be helped . This reading helped me understand that I need to accept help and let others grow spiritually as well . We all know too well what happens to a child or spouse who has another always serving and helping them . They become very dependent and immature .
In addition , Cayce also tells us that we ? entertain angels unawares ? quite often . I believe angels don ? t show up asking ? Who wants to be a millionaire ?? Have you seen the reality shows of how those instant millionaires end up ? It is not pretty , and it actually seems more like a curse than any blessing . So angels more often appear as those needing assistance , giving us the opportunity to help them and hence grow spiritually . I believe this is what Jesus was referring to in this blind man . The disciples were missing the point entirely and not seeing that this man was a sort of angel offering many the opportunity to grow .
Many people know this truth with their supposed ? handicapped ? child or sibling who is actually a high spiritual being in a handicapped body showing others how to be joyous no matter what , while also needing help their entire lives , affording many the opportunity for spiritual growth .
I would like to explore one final example of what I believe is also beyond karma . A woman came to see me several years ago . She had suffered a very
severe and painful trauma . She was on a work trip Page 41 - May , 2018