The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | Page 16
The Bet ween Life Agr eement s
By Tit o Abao
All happens w it hin t he bubble of Consciousness called 'i'.
Ramana Mahar shi
I am going to establish a vocabulary for my work. It
begins with labeling the field in which everything
happens. That field from here on in will be called
Consciousness. The Third dimensional world most
known as the Physical Universe is a duality which is
composed of only two energy flows ? a positive
energy flow and a negative energy flow. The way
these energy flows interact with each other creates
all the physical and subtle forms that go into the
phenomenal world images and experiences you
perceive. It all happens within the field of
uncanny understanding of exactly how the universe
works. After reading this article, I suggest that you
go back and watch The Mat rix series and realize the
machinery that the creators used as a device to tell
a story is actually the human brain and its path-
The Matrix constructs a maze of agreed upon
thought forms in
many layers. Each
layer mathematic-
ally relates to the
others in ways that
The two-flow concept is exactly the principle in
create holographic
computer science where there are only two
functional forms
charges, a positive electrical charge and a negative
with stories flow-
electrical charge. The way those two opposing
ing in and out of
charges are programmed to relate to each other
each other. This
causes an image to form.
occurs in an order-
ly and mathematic-
Consciousness it sel f is a Mat rix.
ally consistent
By the way, I use the word matrix on purpose
flow based on precise laws of cause and effect
because the creators of The Mat rix movie had an
which is known as Karma.
Page 16 - M ay, 2018