The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine May 2018 | страница 13
You?ve already proved how powerful you are in using systems for success. Remember learning to read, or
ride a bike, or drive a car? You used a system for success to master these skills. And, what about typing on
that strange keyboard that?s not even in alphabetical order? Maybe your mastery of that skill now allows
you to type faster that I can talk. You have already proven that you know how to succeed. The Grat it ude
Formul a shows you how to achieve even larger goals in seemingly miraculous ways. The best part is that
it?s really simple and gets easier to do over time ? just like reading or driving a car.
I?ve proven that this success system works in growing seven companies to as large as $100 million in
annual revenues and being led to great and perfect health after being diagnosed with cancer. Each goal
that I created was bigger than the last, and I achieved them. You can too! Success is a syst em, not a secret .
The most important step is to make the commitment to use the daily system.
The Grat it ude Formul a shares the importance in using spiritual and practical tools along with the practice
of gratitude to magnetize you to receiving more of what you desire in life. As Oprah Winfrey said, ?Be
thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will
never, ever have enough.? As you use the system outlined in The Grat it ude Formul a, good things will
multiply in your life!
There are t hree import ant el ement s of t his syst em f or success:
1. Hol d a dail y goal pl anning meet ing with the source
of your intuition, who I affectionately refer to as the
Chief Spiritual Officer or CSO. In your daily planning
meeting, use powerful word statements that describe
your goals as completed with gratitude. Write down,
speak out loud, and imagine what you want, not what
you don?t want. For example, I know a saleswoman
who often says things like, ?I really hope that I?m not
late for my appointment with ABC Company on
Tuesday.? Most likely, she?ll be late for her appointment
because that?s what she?s focused on. A better way to
phrase that would be, ?I?m so grateful that I am always
on time or early for my appointments and easily
facilitate a fair exchange of value with my customers.? With statements like those, she might feel inspired to
check the traffic report or get ready earlier.
2. Make what you desire f amil iar and wel come into
your life by learning more about other people who
have achieved the kind of success you desire. This
shifts your beliefs to possibility which is required to
achieve any goal. For example, a man named Harold
wanted to be a successful real estate agent in Southern
California. In the first eight months of his new job, the
few clients that he worked with ran him ragged for very
little money in commission. Harold couldn?t rationally
see how he could ever be a successful, well-paid agent
with great clients, and started to consider other lines of
work. But before he gave up, he committed to creating
new goal statements and using them in the daily
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