The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Mar April Full mag | Page 26
By understanding that your thoughts matter you
can transcend your body, time, your environment,
and space. Your awareness will cement in your
mind how a positive outlook, positive thoughts, and
positive mindset must be practiced daily. Gratitude
is the force behind using the Law of Attraction to
the fullest benefit of your well-being. We may not
have been taught this healing insight as children.
Maybe we didn?t realize our life's purpose early in
our lives. That?s okay. We can apply this healing
insight by using the full energy concept along with
the Law of Attraction to develop our mind, body,
soul, and spirit thoroughly and consistently. So, we
can live a truly enlightened life!
When you focus on one thing, then all your energy
is placed on that one thing. Think about it. Focusing
on one thing makes you prioritize and recognize
where you should be directing your attention. Now
use the Law of Attraction to your advantage! This is
exactly how you can manifest anything you desire.
Think a positive thought, send out the positive
energy, and feel the emotions as if it were already a
reality. This process will create positive action
because your conscious mind created the plan and
the subconscious mind must carry it out. Notice
how positive changes will take place in your
body? and in your life.
Appreciate how powerful the connection is
between your thoughts and making changes in your
life. This process of change includes detoxing,
releasing, and processing emotion, thoughts, and
any events that have held you back and kept you
stuck. This change means you will have to adopt a
new mindset and reprogram your mind. To create
new beliefs and a new perspective on how to make
your goals a reality. You will learn that physical
activity is a huge part of this change because it
improves your mood, decreases your stress level,
increases your strength, increases your endurance,
improves your energy level, and increases your
level of alertness. You must change at every level
to maximize for a full life!
Believe it or not, these steps nurture your mind,
body, soul, and spirit to become aligned with an
abundant mindset. Don't just take my word for it.
Use the power you have by accessing the full
amount of your energy. Harness the potential of
the Law of Attraction! Make things happen through
thought alone. Send out such positive energy that
you can feel it before it has even happened. Take
action to cause this reality to come true. Embrace
this knowledge. Apply it to your life. Once you do,
you will see miraculous changes! In your mind, in
your body, in your soul, and in your spirit, as well as
in your life! Final l y, underst and t hat you need
access t o t he f ul l amount of your energy t o be abl e
t o make a posit ive impact in your l if e.
Deborah Lucero, Best-Selling Author of BE
F*# % ING AMAZING!, Mindset Facilitator, and
Founder of Live Your Full Life, a health and
wellness website which offers personal growth
and self-development courses. Her self-paced
on-line courses teach others how to use the power
of the mind, positive thoughts, and an abundant
mindset to improve health, finances, relationships
and find happiness.
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