The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June 1, 2015, Issue 5 | Page 11

In t h e l at e 6 0 ? s I w ent to college at UC Ber keley. I w or ked at the local flow er shop and lived in a household w ith my br other, my boyfr iend, and another student, all of w hom , like m e, w er e passionate about stopping the w ar in Vietnam . For a lot of us in that er a, it w as a pow er ful exper ience in m anifestation: w e believed w e could help change the w or ld, and w e did. Riding the m om entum of the peace and fr ee speech m ovem ents, w e w er e gaining aw ar eness of pollution and w er e joining together to help stop the gr ow th of coal and nuclear pow er plants in favor of safe and clean alter natives. This w as a par ticular passion of m ine. And this is w her e I lear ned a big lesson about the law of attr action, and especially about the connection betw een intention and behavior. Let It Be W ith the Beatles? new ly r eleased "Let it Be" album playing on my tape cassette, I can r em em ber dr iving fr om w or k ever y other Fr iday after noon to attend a m eeting of people w ho all shar ed a concer n about the toxicity of the nuclear and coal technologies and a belief in our ability to m anifest healthy alter natives. On my w ay to our gather ing, I w ould often stop to deposit my paycheck at Bank of Am er ica, w hich w as conveniently located ar ound the cor ner fr om our m eeting spot. I had no idea that Bank of Am er ica uses its custom er ? deposits to m ake cheap loans to s nuclear pow er and coal com panies so they can build their plants. And I didn? r ealize that t because of the kind of m oney system w e have (w hich is based on w hat? called Fr actional s Reser ve), the bank w as allow ed to m ultiply my deposits by ten to m ake those loans. So ther e I w as, believing, visioning, and w or king to help cr eate a clean and healthy planet w hile inadver tently using my har d-ear ned m oney to fund the cor por ations I w as other w ise w or king to stop. This is w her e the law of attr action got fleshed out for m e, and w her e I r ealized that to m anifest my vision and the bounty that I believe is possible, I need to be sur e that my behavior is not conflicted w ith my vision. I need w hat I cam e to think of as a com bination of passi on at e i n t en t an d u n con f l i ct ed beh av i or . Using my m oney to fund som ething that I am w or king to stop is conflicted behavior. Just like eating a pound of sugar w hen I w ant to feel healthier, or dr inking espr esso w hen I am tr ying to go to sleep. The behavior sim ply doesn? m atch the t intention. We actually need to par ticipate in m anifesting the m ir acle, not just w ith our thoughts and feelings, but also w ith our actions. So how do w e figur e out w hat unconflicted behavior is? And how do w e cr eate a pr actice w her e our visions and our actions ar e tr uly aligned? I believe accur ate infor m ation is the key to this, and to the full m anifestation of the law of attr action. It? one of s the m ain r easons w e m ade THRI VE - to help coher e facts, and connect the dots on seem ingly unr elated but tr uly inter connected issues. And as those w ho ar e am ong the 30+ m illion people w ho have seen the m ovie know, w e do not hold back? .not because w e like the discom for t that com es w ith being that bold, but because an accur ate assessm ent of w hat? s going on is r equir ed to infor m our vision and align our actions to tr uly cr eate a w or ld of abundance not just for our selves, but for ever yone. So if infor m ation is key, how do w e r econcile lear ning infor m ation that is negative w ith keeping our thoughts positive? I believe this is w her e our intention sets the context. If our intention is to be healthy, under standing that GM O? and the s Page 11 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015