The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 12

Eg y pt ia n n u m er o l o g y By Sa r a Ba c h m ei er Th e M a g i c Beh i n d Eg y pt ia n N u m er o l o g y A n d W h a t Yo u Sh o u l d K n o w A b o u t It ! Egyptian Numerology differs from traditional numerology because it is channeled through the fifth dimension. This dimension has been described as the plane of love and of living totally from the heart. Traditional numerology normally only channels information from the third and fourth dimension offering the good and bad aspects of number frequencies and focuses on duality rather than the highest possible qualities and potential that a person can experience in their lifetime. equanimity by reaching higher goals than we ever dreamed possible. All of our numbers are symbols that hold vibrations we created out of the essence from the infinite zero. Of all the other numbers, the zero comes closest to the vibration of God, and although it is from and of this God, it does not define God and so must be the spiritual essence of God. I picture the zero as a big drum that is sounded the moment we are born. Each sound or vibration takes on a symbol Egyptian Numerology teaches us that it is not the experience in life that defines us but rather our reaction to the experience. It takes the number frequencies that are given to us on our date of birth and through our birth name. This reveals a road map or contract that we signed up for before our incarnation into our current life. This type of charting has three major components that affect each individual. It serves to encourage us to discover our Soul life mission and confirm that we are on the right path. It can also challenge us to make the changes necessary to live a life of Page 12 - Ju ly, 2018