The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 6
A Missing Piece of t he Law of At t r act ion
How an Ar r ogant At t or ney ?WIMPER?ed her dr eams int o exist ence!
By Paula Kidd Casey
I admit it. I am a recovering, obnoxious, demanding
attorney. Everything you have every heard about
the profession is probably true? we are
competitive, forceful and logical word-smiths. So
how, pray tell, can someone with close to 40 years
of practicing this craft, decide to change her
?stripes? and ?Wimpir? instead of shrieking
demands to get what was wanted?
To understand this phenomenon, as well as to
understand what WIMPIR means and how it changed
my life, it?s helpful to learn how I came upon this
magical concept.
At the age of 53, I was pretty much at the end of my
rope. As a successful attorney, I was very busy. I
made lots of money that immediately got sucked
out to pay huge mortgages (because a successful
attorney obviously must have not one, but two big
houses). My mind was constantly arguing: cases,
where to get dinner reservations and shopping lists.
It never stopped. I was totally stressed out and on
overload. I saw no way off this ?merry go round?
from hell.
Until one day I thought I was having a heart
attack? horrible pain in my chest, a racing heart, not
being able to breath and the fear of imminent
death. After six months of medical tests, I was told
the news? there was nothing physically wrong with
me, it was all in my head! They were anxiety attacks
brought on by emotional stress.
This did not sit well with me as I was strong, bossy
and in control of everything. How could I not be in
control of my own mind? Little did I know that was
the answer to all my problems: to learn to control
my thoughts, my feelings, my responses and my
actions, but in a totally different way than I had ever
been taught before. I needed to become aware of
the WIMPIR factors.
Traditional treatment didn?t seem to work well,
but the cognitive behavioral therapy that was
recommended did remind me of books I had read in
the 90?s. Books like ?The Celestine Prophecy?, and
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