The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 46
Taela is always around you in spirit form and she
thinks that's great. She especially loves getting to
go with you wherever you go. Pay attention to the
little signs Taela uses to let you know she?s close by.
If you think you heard, felt, or smelled Taela, you
did. And, if you think you saw her out of the corner
of your eye, you're correct, you did.
Your Taela didn?t particularly care for being dressed
up in any costumes, rather, she enjoyed the extra
attention and making you happy. She showed me
how she used to dance around for you while all
dressed up and how much that seemed to delight
Deceased Dog Messages
Tina f rom Norco, CA, asked:
Hi Jul ie,
I had t o hel p my dog Tael a pass t his week and I have
a f ew quest ions.
Finally, Taela wants you to consider getting another
dog, in particular, a puppy. In addition, she
suggested calling the new dog ?Taetwo? for
Taela-Two! She knows this puppy will help you heal
and bring lots of comfort and joy to you. If you
decide to get a new dog, please send a picture of
you with it.
She had bone cancer and al t hough I had her arm
amput at ed, t he cancer came back wit hin a f ew
mont hs. Al l I want ed was f or her t o be happy,
heal t hy and pain f ree. Hope you find this information comforting.
So, I'd l ike t o know who she is wit h on t he ot her
side (animal or human) and is she okay wit h t he
decisions I made f or her? My l ast quest ion is ... what
was her f avorit e Hal l oween cost ume? Hi Jul ie,
I know t hat sounds f unny, but she al ways seemed
so happy t o dress up.
Any messages you can pass on t o me f rom Tael a
wil l hel p my heart heal .
Thank you f or your t ime and al l t hat you do wit h
your special gif t .
Hi Tina,
Thanks for your kind words.
My condolences on the loss of Taela. Losing a
beloved pet can be excruciating and sometimes
seems almost as bad as losing a close relative or
In order to answer your questions, I first
energetically connected to you and from you to
Taela. She was standing to your right and here?s
what she had to say:
Taela is grateful you made the decisions you did.
She told me she would?ve been okay if you had put
her down earlier but knew you needed more time
with her and likewise, she needed more time with
Mol d in Mont ana
Donna in Col umbia Fal l s, MT, asked:
I have been l iving in mol d f or t he past 20 years and
f igured out l ast f al l t hat my heal t h probl ems have
been due t o mol d.
Can you rid my body of t he mol d? I need enough
heal ing so I can get up and hel p mysel f . My body is
so debil it at ed, it is very dif f icul t f or me t o do
anyt hing.
Thank you!
Hi Donna,
In order to help you, I first energetically connected
to you and then saw a holographic picture of you in
my mind?s eye. It was as if I was looking at an MRI,
CT Scan or X-ray. You weren?t kidding, you are one
sick gal!
Your body is full of black mold which is extremely
toxic. It?s so thick, it looks like the sheets of moss
you can buy in a craft store.
Next, I saw an energetic healing occur which
removed the mold from your body and then bathed
your internal organs and tissues with stem cell
energy. It looked like a sparkly cloud that swirled
through the interior of your body and regenerated
what was needed.
Now, here are a few suggestions:
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