The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 34
JV: That is so profound! I'm pausing just for a theatrical emphasis in a sense, just for everybody to absorb
it and to remind myself.
I mean we're human beings and part of that human wiring in us is to associate with other people to have a
little group because it helps us feel like we're going to survive. And that's the survival mechanism that's
already hardwired in our brain to keep us going. I think we're all here to awaken and I think what we're
doing especially with a magazine like yours and the radio shows you're doing, where you are bringing in
leading edge people in to really stretch people's minds with new concepts and new ideas. You're helping
people to awaken. I think we are awakening because of that and so we can start to walk away from thinking
that we need of being in a tribe. We don't need to be in a tribe. I understand at certain points that it's
comforting. It might even be essential to survival depending on where you're at. Fortunately, we're not
cave people anymore.
You know we're living in a magical place and time and miracles are pretty much the norm but we don't all
take the moment to look at it. So you're pointing it out. I'm pointing it out and I'm saying the 'Great
Something' is actually is a humongous force . It is living and experiencing life through me, through you,
through each person. And the only limits we put on it are those we keep bumping up to that we
downloaded from ancestors, from our parents, from the culture, from government, religion. It goes on and
on and on and on. But anything is possible.
Jewels: But you're recognizing your power to create because nothing, it seems, stops you. Are you still writing
the books.
JV: I have five books in the works right now. I have new music in the works right now. I'm still traveling
around the world doing my own television show 14 episodes that have all been recorded that will be
showing up pretty soon.
Jewels: Where we going to see that?
JV: Probably on Amazon or Netflix one or the other. It got a bidding war kind of a thing. We'll see. My
mindset is I simply follow my passion. And I think each of us can do that. Your passion is with your show
and your magazine for example and probably things I don't know. My passion is obvious because I promote
it like music in my books and cars and everything else. But each person has a different passion and whose
passion might be the best. I remember I was in Chicago and there was a plumber that came to fix a room I
was in. And he seemed like the happiest plumber on the planet and I had no doubt he's following his
Each of us has something different so the first thing I did was follow my passion. The second thing is that I
do have the mindset that anything is possible which means I rarely doubt any more like I did in the
beginning. When I have a big idea that comes to me and I don't know how to create it, I now have the belief
that is now installed in my brain that says 'anything is possible.'
But if I do hit a snag like I'm feeling off or I'm something bothered me. I mean I'm going through a human
experience. I'll go to ho'oponopono. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I do it every day. So
those are two or three things as a reminder that I do, that anybody can do.
Jewels: Wow. Wow. Oh goodness this is wonderful. And this is exactly what
everybody has to hear. Dr. Joe, you are just a huge blessing to every single person
in this world. I can't tell you how much I adore you. You're real. Thank you.
Dr. Joe Vit ale is t he best -selling aut hor of numerous books, from The At t ract or
Fact or t o Zero Limit s and At t ract Money Now. He has appeared in many movies,
most not ably as a st andout st ar in 'The Secret .' Joe is now a musician wit h 16
albums t o his credit . A feat ured guest on t elevision around t he globe, he is an
int ernat ional celebrit y and has an Int ernet following of millions. For more
informat ion abou t his special programs, books, his music or event s please visit his
websit e: ht t ps://
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