The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 20
In The Wor ld...But Not 'of The Wor ld'
By Tit o Abao
All Happens Inside t he Lit t le Bubble of Consciousness called 'i'.
Ramana Mahar shi
Be clear! Spiritual Unfoldment is not an intellectual
pursuit or endeavor. It is experiential. Everything I
write about is meant for you to experience. The
mind can not take you vertically into the upper
realms of what constitutes spiritual awakening.
Spiritual unfoldment is beyond every form-based
manifestation, gross and subtle. This article is
appearing in a magazine dedicated to the
functional use of the Law of Attraction.
You either attract what you ask for or you don't. You
experience a Cadillac manifesting right in front of
you as a miracle of materialization in your third
dimensional reality. Many of you have done it in
small ways and large.
out there does not exist. It is being constantly
manifested by our agreement to layers and layers
of existential thoughts. Primary of those
agreements is there is space... in which the illusion
can form. We agree that there is time, thus we have
movement in time and space so that the movie...
our agreed upon stories may manifest.
Consciousness draws upon these agreed upon
stories, to create a mathematically precise Dual
The mind's limitation is simple. It relies on
subject-object relationships. It of itself cannot
intuit. Once the mind gets the concept it can then
work with it to use a new idea in the Third
dimensional environment of cause and effect.
The Third dimension in which we humans live is not
as solid as it looks. The truth is the world you see
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