The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Full Nov. 2019 Mag | Page 40

Four Ways to Change your Thoughts Dr. Bruce Lipton Globally, we are at this moment of diagnosis on the planet. We are standing in front of the doctor and they are telling us we are entering the sixth mass extinction. The shock of this has the potential to have humanity dig deeper than imagined and write a completely new program, unl eashing a rapid heal ing response across t he gl obe. How do we change our programs into our wishes and desires? 1. Hypnosis This is the way we learned our programs in the first 7 years of life. During this time the mind is operating in a low vibrational frequency like hypnosis. The theta state is very receptive and we do this two times every day: just before falling asleep and just before waking up. 2. Repet it ion Through repetition and the creation of "habits," the primary way we acquire subconscious programs after age 7. This can't just be sticky notes on the mirror. This must be f el t and experienced. This can be difficult if we are experiencing great contrast to the thing we want. Remember habits are by repeating something over and over and over again. Practicing, repeating, practicing! 3. Energy Psychol ogy (aka Super Learning) New belief modification programs that engage the brain's super-learning processes, allowing programs to be changed within minutes. Resources here and at the bottom. 4. High Impact Event s An individual may rapidly rewrite programs after an overwhelming or psychologically-traumatizing life experience (e.g., being diagnozed with a terminal illness). What 's t he cat ch and l ast piece of t he puzzl e?! Being Fully Present. Through the above four processes, we can rewrite destructive programs that occupy our subconscious field. All of us, yes including you, can safely and easily rewrite limiting subconscious programs using one of four fundamental ways to install new subconscious behaviors. We are not vict ims of anyt hing ot her t han t he programs we are opert ing f rom. Change t he programs you are operat ing f rom. If your subconscious programs mat ch t he wishes and desires of t he conscious mind, your l if e wil l be one cont inuous honeymoon experience (The Honeymoon Effect) f or as l ong as you l ive on t his pl anet . THINK beyond your genes! Sign up now to receive Bruce Lipton's FREE monthly newsletter, featuring news on Bruce's t eaching and t ravel s, and updates on the awakening t o higher consciousness that is curren tly underway around the world. Pl ease visit Dr. Lipt on's sit e at ht t ps:/ / BruceLipt Page 40 Page 41