The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Full Nov. 2019 Mag | Page 50

You Are Your Brain By Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi, M.D Your brain is the most complex biological and physiological organ there is. It has the greatest computational capacity in the universe. Your brain controls every moment of your life. It controls what you think, say and do. Your brain controls your life when you are awake or sleep. Most of this control is subconscious. Your subconscious is what your brain has learned from your experiences and that has become your habits. Your Habits are parts of the structure of your brain. They are the wiring in your brain, and they become activated with the same stimuli and even the same time that they usually happen. As an illustration, let me tell you about an experience that happened a couple of weeks ago. After reading this, you will understand the power of your brain and subconscious and how it can run your life a little better. I usually wake up very early in the morning to study and write and then I sleep about half an hour. I set my alarm clock to wake up at 5:45am to wake up my children to get ready for school. one morning I was dreaming that it was already 7:00 am and my children were doing their homework and my wife was cleaning the house instead of taking the children to the school. I was very upset and agitated, because my children should have already left for school. I suddenly woke up and I noticed that already was 6:00 am. When I checked why my alarm clock did not ring at 5: 45 am, I noticed that I failed to reset my alarm when I first woke up in the morning. When I did not wake up like every day at 5:45 am, my brain noticed that and tried very hard to wake me up. My brain also knew that this is very important for me to wake up on time that my children could get to school on time. All your habits, memories, values are stored in your brain. If you look at your own life you will see many of evidences of how your brain runs your life based on your habits. One of them is when you drive somewhere that you usually go, but really you wanted to go somewhere else. More significantly is that we can plan for the day and end up doing the same things as the day before. This means that your results will not change, and your life will stay the same. Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi, MD, FRCSC, FACS is one of the few neurosurgeons in the world who teaches people how to use their thoughts to help them to heal. He is the author of the book, MIND MEDICINE: Use Your Thought s t o Heal. He has been interested in the human brain, thoughts and healing for many years. He graduated as the top student from medical school. He studied neurosurgery at the University of Toronto, Canada. He had brain surgery himself during his neurosurgery training in 1997. He healed and became a pediatric and adult neurosurgeon in 2002. He has spent many years in academic and private neurosurgery practice, seeing thousands of patients. He founded MIND MEDICNE LLC in 2014, a company dedicated to researching, teaching about the effects of our thoughts on our health and ability to heal. Page 50 Take Law of At t r act ion Magazine ever ywher e you go! Eit her Pr int OR Digit al Always Fr ee Digit ally! ht t p://Lawof At t r act To see all pr evious issues, visit ht t ps://Law Of At t r act Become a pr int subscr iber : ht t ps://www.Law Of At t r act int Page 51