The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Full Nov. 2019 Mag | Page 32

The Tr ut h of Who You Tr uly Ar e By Joshua - Channeled by Gar y Temple Bodley An excer pt f r om ?An Aut hent ic Life? You were taught to be good. You were asked to be someone different than you really are. It was asked by your parents, teachers, your extended family, your siblings, your friends, your culture, and society as a whole. You were taught not to be bad. However, there is no good or bad, there is only the judgment of good or bad. There is no right or wrong, there is only the judgment of right and wrong. Since judgment is ultimately derived out of fear, the idea of good is derived out of fear along with the concepts of right, wrong, and bad. An authentic life is lived free from limitations imposed by irrational fear and free from the call to judgment. Who you really are is a limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. There is no fear in that. The idea of limitlessness is one who is free from the limiting effects of fear. You came to this physical reality to expand through experiences, including the ones that brought up fear. Therefore, fear is a component in the expansion process and so we could say that fear is necessary and therefore, right. Fear can be seen as a good thing. Fear is what makes physical reality tangible. However, there are two types of fear and the distinction is rather important in the pursuit of an authentic life. There is rational fear and it is incorporated into your survival instinct. Without it, you would not last long in physical reality. You would take risks that could cause you harm or death. Rational fear is the fear of that which could cause you physical harm or death. Rational fear is extremely useful in certain situations such as those times you wish to fly off the top of a tall building without a parachute. Rational fear helps to prevent you from doing those things that could lead to death. While it may keep you alive, it is limiting. It limits you from attempting certain activities that while dangerous, might also be fun or exciting. Irrational fear pops up much more often than rational fear. An irrational fear is the fear around anything that cannot lead to your death. It is the fear of asking for a raise, asking for a date, speaking in public, or anything where the activity is unlikely to result in your death. If you can?t die or be physically harmed, then the fear is irrational. It is highly limiting, because it keeps you from doing those things you need to do when you need to do them. It causes you to play it too safe. It causes you to be different than who you really are. You cannot live an authentic life while succumbing to irrational fear. An authentic life is created by analyzing the fear as it comes up and categorizing it as rational or irrational. If the fear is rational, then the activity is dangerous and can be avoided. If the fear is irrational, then the fear is false and the activity can be completed. The action can be taken. An authentic person knows the difference between rational fear and irrational fear. To live an authentic life, you must strip away the limiting effects of irrational fear and take action when it is inspired. The authentic person lives a life of allowing and receives inspiration in the moment. When the inspiration to act is received, fear will almost always present itself. An inauthentic life is lived by feeling the fear and ignoring the inspiration. The fear is too great and the reward for taking the action appears to be too Page 32 Page 33