The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 7

face of mundane work tasks . You f ind yoursel f saying , I got what I asked for , but I ? m still not satisfied . Did the Law of Attraction not work properly ?
For many people , after they manifest a goal with the Law of Attraction , a sense of dissatisfaction or longing can creep in . When faced with this scenario , many people assume that they made a ? mistake ? and failed to manifest the right outcome . They rush to refine their techniques , armed with the belief that they can ? get it right ? with a newfound commitment to the Law of Attraction . As someone who counsels individuals spiritually , I see time and again how clients say they want something ? a better job , a fulfilling relationship , more money ? that they believe will fulfill them in some way . But once they have attained their goal , their joy often evaporates , slowly replaced by dissatisfaction .
What ? s really going on ? Instead of questioning your manifestation skills , consider instead that sometimes we do not always know what will bring us true happiness . One of the principal tenets of the Law of Attraction is that you need to get clear on what you want . So very often , though , our mind tells us we want one thing , when in fact our heart ? our authentic self , if you will ? wants something else . We think we are clear on what ? s best for us , but that clarity is sometimes an illusion . Working with the Law of Attraction thus creates a conundrum : the tool that can best help us manifest our most fulfilling desires ? our mind ? is also the very mechanism that keeps us from connecting with what we truly want .
Why does the mind do this and what can we do about it ? One reason that we run into trouble is that manifesting what would make us truly happy ? what our authentic self wants most for us ? often takes a lot of risk . To be true to ourselves , we need to let go of defense mechanisms and pieces of ourselves that hold us back . Most people ? s psychic lives are built around several core issues of lovability , belonging , and worthiness . As a result , when we set out to manifest our goals , our mind often subconsciously steers us away from anything that might trigger those core issues . To protect us from pain , rejection , and humiliation , our well-meaning mind often ends up protecting us from our most authentic expression . The mind simply does not know any better , because it is deploying its defense mechanisms . So we choose a job
Page 7 - February , 2017