The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 6

Fo r Tr ue Ha p p in e s s , Ma n if e s t f r o m Yo ur

A ut h e n t ic Se l f

Does the following situation sound familiar to you ? You decide to manifest something important to you , perhaps a new job that will provide more income or a greater sense of alignment with your values . You commit to various manifestation techniques , such as creative visualization and scripting . Remaining focused on the outcome , you take inspired action and let go of any fear or negativity that bubbles to the surface . After consistent effort , you manifest the coveted job ! Initially , you are elated by this gift from with the Universe . But after some time in the new position , you start to feel that old sense of dissatisfaction with where you are . Perhaps the drama you wanted to escape is erupting in the new workplace , or the sense of belonging you were hoping to find has faded in the
Page 6 - February , 2017

By Patrick Paul Garlinger

Successful Body Mind Spirit Author Patrick Paul Garlinger