The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 45

in the right hip and in my in inner right thigh . In addition , I was in a car accident in 2010 . There is residual lingering pain and edema in my right ankle and sensitivities in the right side of my neck and shoulder . I ' ve experienced healing improvements and believe in the body ' s ability to heal . I suspect that all of my right side body experiences are related . I would love to receive any guidance about what I ' m missing , blocks or healing of these symptoms . Thank you !
Hi Amanda ,
When connecting with you in Texas , I saw that your right hip joint doesn ? t fit together as it should . I believe your doctor gave you an accurate diagnosis and I also believe hip replacement will eliminate your hip pain .
I also saw scar tissue in your neck and shoulder . While scanning you , I saw a healing occur on these areas . A shaver instrument , exactly like those used in arthroscopic surgery ( remember I ? m an inventor of orthopedic surgery devices and have been in countless surgeries ) was used to shave away the scar tissue . It was putting pressure on the muscles and nerves and causing pain . With regard to your ankle , again scar tissue was the culprit . I watched it get shaved as well .
When I asked what you could do to strengthen your ankle , I saw a scene of you standing at a weight machine tower . You had a strap around your right ankle and were doing sideways leg lifts . Check with a trainer or physical therapist about whether that exercise will help .
Lastly , you have a large vertical tear in your energy field membrane . It ? s a little right of center and extends from your collar bone to just below your hip . Since it and your problems are all on the right side of your body , it ? s fairly obvious to me you have an issue with your masculine energy . This could include job , career , money , protector , etc . emotional issues . Emotional trauma , whether simple or devastating , always
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precedes a medical condition and needs to be addressed in order for the body to completely heal .
Please contact me for a private session if you want to explore and heal the energy field membrane tear . It ? ll help you heal . Just go to askjulieryan . com , click on schedule a session , and pick a date and time .
Julie Ryan , Psychic and Medical Intuitive , can be heard on The Law of Attraction Radio Network . The Ask Julie Ryan Show welcomes callers on Thursdays at 8pm EST , 7pm CST , 5pm PST and online submissions that may be answered on the air . For more information please go to www . AskJulieRyan . com .