The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 40

Rat : 1924 , 1936 , 1948 , 1960 , 1972 , 1984 , 1996 , 2008 . This year may be strenuous at times ; however , there is a chance for big change in lifestyle , occupation , or home . There may be some financial loss , but you can gain some unexpected benefits . Long term , your results will be good .
Ox : 1925 , 1937 , 1949 , 1961 , 1973 , 1985 , 1997 , 2009 . This is a great year for the Ox , who has waited a long time for this kind of luck . The Ox will emerge from a chrysalis recharged , with more energy and better health . This is an excellent year for career and self esteem .
Tiger : 1926 , 1938 , 1950 , 1962 , 1974 , 1986 , 1998 , 2010 . This is a year of moderate luck for Tigers . They have to work hard , but promotion is likely and business will improve . However , they may have to travel and friends and family could feel neglected .
Rabbit : 1927 , 1939 , 1951 , 1963 , 1975 , 1987 , 1999 , 2011 . This is not any easy year for Rabbits and they will feel more irritated and frustrated than usual . There are some good times with family and this brings happiness , but Rabbits need to practice patience and focus on finding enjoyment .
Dragon : 1928 , 1940 , 1952 , 1964 , 1976 , 1988 , 2000 , 2012 . This is a year when Dragons feel powerful and are likely to have financial gains and find favor from superiors . However , they need to watch their cash flow , as there will be some unexpected expenses at home and some family tensions .
Snake : 1929 , 1941 , 1953 , 1965 , 1977 , 1989 , 2001 , 2013 . This is a good year for Snakes , and they will be happy cocooning at home and spending more time with family . Snakes will have some trouble with friends and financially feel some stress , but overall this is a happy year .
Horse : 1930 , 1942 , 1954 , 1966 , 1978 , 1990 , 2002 , 2014 . This is a year where Horses will feel some discontent and they may feel slightly out of step with what is happening around them , so travel is especially freeing and enjoyable . However , there is luck and practical accomplishments .
Goat : 1919 , 1931 , 1943 , 1955 , 1967 , 1979 , 1991 , 2003 , 2015 . Sheep have luck this year . This is a good year for making future plans . Family life is happier . Sheep will experience more fun and pursue more recreational activities , and they will feel more creative .
Monkey : 1920 , 1932 , 1944 , 1956 , 1968 , 1980 , 1992 , 2004 , 2016 . This is a good year for business , and finances will be stable . Monkeys will enjoy travel , particularly foreign travel , but they need to spend time recovering from last year ? s stresses . Monkeys need to become more organized .
Rooster : 1921 , 1933 , 1945 , 1957 , 1969 , 1981,1993 , 2005 , 2017 . Roosters will feel strained this year and will be less organized . They need time alone , and people around them will have greater needs . They will want to play more but cannot always do this , causing some frustration . Roosters need to be practical .
Dog : 1922 , 1934 , 1946 , 1958 , 1970 , 1982 , 1994 , 2006 . This is a turbulent year for Dogs , but there is sudden good luck if opportunities can be found . Dogs will want to remodel , redecorate , or move to a new home or office . They need to hold their tongue so they don ? t criticize or fight with loved ones .
Pig : 1923 , 1935 , 1947 , 1959 , 1971 , 1983 , 1995 , 2007 . Pigs have some luck coming their way , their finances will be steady and they will improve their business prospects if they are cautious . Family life is happy and previous worries fade , but romance will be tricky .
Page 40 - February , 2017