The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 28

10 Simple Ways To Use The Law Of Attr action To Find Your Soul-Mate By Nanice Ellis

The law of attraction is the belief that " like attracts like ," and that by focusing on positive thoughts we can bring about positive results . By understanding and following this simple rule , you will be empowered to attract a lifelong partner .
There is nothing you cannot be , do , or have when you know how to activate and use this unlimited power that lies within you . Here are 10 ways to use the law of attraction to find and keep your soul mate .
1 . Be positively clear about what you want in a mate . Each " failed " relationship has given you clues about what you want in your ideal partner . The problem is , many women and men focus on the negative instead of the positive . For example , by saying that you don ' t want a man who " puts his work before the relationship ," you are focusing on a man who puts work before love and that is the desire you are unconsciously sending out through your energy .
The good news is , if you know what you don ' t want , you know what you do want . Your power to create lies in your ability to choose thoughts
Page 28 - February , 2017