The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 24

I ? ve been working a lot on my growth . In terms of goals , I have reached and exceeded several goals :
For Health , I correctly predicted that I will still be vegetarian and loving every minute of it . Weight-wise , I have pretty much reached my desired weight / look , something I ? m really proud of as losing weight was something that I had struggled with since five to six years ago . For Career , I leaped ahead of myself compared to my predictions ? in my letter , I predicted that I would still be working in my ex-company while working on my purpose on the side . Turns out that I have already quit my job and I ? m now working on my purpose full-time . The result ? I ? m loving every moment of it . There are some goals that I haven ? t reached yet . For example for Love , I thought that I would have found my relationship partner by now , but I haven ? t . It ? s perfectly okay though , due to my revelation a few months ago that how we are actually already perfect , complete and whole as singles . Finding my soul-mate is something that I want and look forward to in the future . In the meantime , I ? m perfectly happy and complete as I am .
In terms of Friendship , some friends whom I thought I would still be on great terms with have slipped away . In place of that , I have formed great friendships with other people in the past year , especially in the past few months . In a way , it ? s like a natural equilibrium at work ? when you let go of certain old connections , new connections will take their place .
There are goals that I didn ? t reach as I abandoned them halfway , because they lost meaning to me . An example would be wanting to buy a car . When I received a pay rise last year and was able to consider getting a car , I realized that owning a car in Singapore , where public transport is readily available , does not resonate with my highest self . My original intent of getting a car was more for image reasons ? which is true for many car owners in Singapore ? and that desire has long been shed along with my old self . Not to mention , having a car isn ? t exactly environmentally friendly .
All in all , reading my letter made me aware of several things . It made me more conscious of how exactly I have changed vs . the past ( rather than just relying on memory ). It reminded me of some of my past visions that I lost track of along the way . It made me appreciate how far I have come . It made me look forward to the future .
Write Your Letter To Your Future Self
Grab your pen and paper right now and start writing your letter to your future self ! Identify a time period to write to , imagine what you would be like , and then start writing ! Think about the kind of person you would be like , your place in life , what you would have accomplished by then , and so on .
Follow the steps in the exercise above . Get working on your goals , then open your letter with pride a year from now !
Hi ! I ' m Celes Chua . I write about personal development , relationships , productivity , career , and more . If you found this article helpful , join my free newsletter where I share more content and updates . It ' s free , plus you get my ebook 101 Important Questions to Ask Yourself in Life . No spam , no nonsense . Just tips to help you live your best life . :) https :/ / personalexcellence . co
Page 24 - February , 2017