The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 17

yourself in the projection booth . You ? re seeing yourself in the movie , but it ? s different when you ? re watching from the projection booth instead of the front row . Now , imagine yourself in the movie looking out over the audience from inside the movie . This allows you to have a different perspective that starts to make it more real for you . Rather than just watching the movie as an observer , seeing this person that looks and acts like you , you ? re actually feeling yourself in the movie . And this process starts to imprint on your subconscious mind that it ? s okay to be wealthy ( and it IS okay to be wealthy by the way !). More money means more power and more opportunity . It means more of you , it means a bigger expression of you , so feel free to put yourself into that movie . If at any time you feel uncomfortable , you can stop the movie from the projection booth , you can go back to just watching it from the front row or you can change what is going on in the movie .
The technique I have just taken you through is called desensitization . We have taken it to your subconscious mind and from there your mind make it real for you . It happens in the mind , because your mind makes it real . This allows you to receive all the benefits of pushing past your fears and allows you to feel successful . Your subconscious mind interprets this as if you were actually there because your body reacts physiologically as if it is present in that moment . Maybe you have , consciously , the idea ? I ? m going to be wealthy ,? but you haven ? t really sat down and taken the time to imagine yourself being wealthy and to desensitize yourself to the fears that can come up when you have money , such as the fear of failure .
Now you have a very advanced wealth manifestation technique that will help you get to the next level , financially . So I encourage you to make a change in your life and take action today . Beyond that , I encourage you to start using the change that you have to help others , because that ? s where the circle of abundance really starts to feel great .
When you move beyond helping yourself and begin to help others , you get back what you give . The Law of Attraction allows what you focus on to multiply and come back to you . What you give , you receive , many times over . So start giving , first to yourself and then to the world . Then , simply watch what happens - your life will turn around completely . So , keep moving forward , believe in yourself and enjoy the difference you will make in the world .
I ? m D r . Steve G . Jon es an d I w i sh y ou ou tstan d i n g f i n an ci al su ccess .
Page 17 - February , 2017