The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 16

mind might say , ? Yes !? while your subconscious mind might actually be saying , ? No .? Your subconscious mind might have some limiting beliefs that are holding you back . Sometimes your subconscious mind holds on to beliefs and it doesn ? t matter if these beliefs do not make logical sense . All that matters is that your subconscious mind is holding on to them . The subconscious mind doesn ? t need reason . I remember a hip-hop song that came out in the 90s , ? Mo Money , Mo Problems .? The song is about how the singer and his friends were getting more money . With more money came more problems , or challenges as I like to call them . Your
The Notorious B . I . G . - " Mo Money Mo Problems " subconscious mind may think more money equals negative consequences . So what ? s the logical result ? Avoid more money . Avoid moving forward . Avoid the pain . Your subconscious mind is attempting to protect you from pain . It ? s time to update your subconscious mind with some new programming , so let ? s get started .
What I ? m about to teach you is what I do with my clients when I want them to overcome fears that are limiting them . It ? s a very straightforward technique and I have over a 90 % success rate using it to help people overcome their fear of financial success . I ? m blessed to work with financially successful clients who seek my extensive knowledge about hypnosis and the Law of Attraction to go to the next level . Some of them came to me before they were financially successful and gave me the privilege of working with them so that they could have a breakthrough . I use this technique every time I feel there is a fear of success in a client ? s subconscious mind . Please only use this technique when you are sitting or lying down in a comfortable position .
To begin , imagine yourself in a movie theater . You are sitting in the front row watching a movie , and the movie is starring you . Now at any time you want , you can turn the projector off , because you can be in any of the three locations ? the front row of the theater , operating the projector or starring in the movie . You control what happens in the movie . You control whether or not you leave the theater and you control whether the movie even continues playing . Here ? s where it becomes powerful . I would like you to now see yourself in the movie doing certain things . See yourself making mistakes and bouncing back from them . See yourself learning from those mistakes , because there really are no mistakes , there are only learning opportunities . See yourself allowing money and wealth and possessions into your life , and see everything working out . Imagine yourself watching yourself on the screen making powerful financial decisions . See yourself enjoying an abundance of money , friends , wealth , yachts , fun , cars , houses , adventures , etc . You imagine yourself living the life that you want and being comfortable with that life . Now , imagine
Page 16 - February , 2017