The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 26

Yo u r Fo cal Po i n t f or 2 0 1 6 W HA T YOU A RE FOCUSING ON NOW W ILL DETERM INE YOUR FUTURE DIRECTION By Lu ca Occel l i NLP, Hypnosis, EFT and Metaphysical Master teaches that awareness resides beyond the mind! Have you st art ed t he New Year wit h cl ear, st rong and f ocused int ent ions? Have you medit at ed and visual ized al l t he l ove, abundance and peace you coul d imagine/ f eel during t he medit at ion, and even t he visual izat ion process? Have you f ound yoursel f get t ing of f t rack, somewhat irrit at ed, f rust rat ed and disheart ened at t imes even when you t hink you are doing t he right t hings? Please do not be disheartened. This is part of the process and it is perfectly O.K. not to be constantly vibrating at a higher frequency. But here's the good news: we can do things to constantly improve our vibrational resonance. We are at a wonderful point in history when we know a great deal about manifestation and how it works. You probably already know how to meditate, visualize, and the importance of this to make us vibrate on a higher level. Unfortunately , we may still forget who we truly are and how to tap into our Page 26 - February, 2016