The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 55

saw inflamed red tissue throughout your entire GI tract from your esophagus through your stomach , intestines , and colon . No wonder you ' re in pain .
I also saw an energetic thick white cream be applied to your ulcer and then I saw an energetic dressing be applied over the sore . This should help you heal .
Here are some suggestions :
1 . Do a search on " Candida Yeast Overgrowth " and follow the dietary recommendations at bulletproofexec . com / diet . There you ' ll find an easy to follow food chart you can download for free .
2 . Check out " Eat Fat Get Thin " by Mark Hyman , MD . Dr . Hyman is the head of functional medicine at the Cleveland Clinic and has lots of experience with treating yeast issues . Go to drhyman . com for more information .
3 . Another great reference is " Detoxification and Healing " by Sidney Baker , MD . Dr . Baker is a former professor at both Yale ' s and Princeton ' s medical schools and is a walking encyclopedia on how to treat yeast overgrowth and its accompanying symptoms .
Basically , avoid processed foods , sugars , wine , beer , alcohol , dairy , and aged and fermented foods . You may want to get your doctor to prescribe an anti-fungal medication like Nystatin ( a natural bacteria found in the ground that kills yeast ), to initially aid in getting rid of the yeast . You may feel a bit worse the first few days of treatment as the yeast dies off . Just stick with it and know your condition is completely fixable and won ? t cause any permanent damage to your body .
Lastly , you have a large energy field leak in the lower part of your abdomen . This is caused by emotional trauma experienced either at some point in your life , or in a past life . Emotional issues always precede physical / medical conditions by disrupting the body ' s energy flow . I ' ll be delighted to help you explore the cause and heal that leak one on one . Just contact me through my website : www . AskJulieRyan . com .
Hope this helps . Thanks for your question . Foot Issues Shellie from Dallas , TX , asked :
Hi Julie ,
Would you look at the bottom of my right foot kind of where the arch and heel meet ?
I have no idea what I ? ve done . I was literally just walking Saturday when I stopped and talked to someone for a bit . I ? ve hardly been able to walk since I finished my conversation and walked away . I ? ve been in pain ever since .
Thanks . Hi Shellie ,
You Poor Baby . When I scanned you I could see lots of inflammation in your foot and worked on getting it calmed down in order to find the cause of your pain . To me it looks like plantar fasciitis . The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue on the bottom of the foot that connects the heel bone to the toes . Plantar fasciitis is caused by straining the ligament that supports the arch . Repeated strain can cause tiny tears in the ligament which in turn cause inflammation and pain . I ? ve had plantar fasciitis on a couple of occasions and know firsthand how painful it can be . Here are some suggestions for things that worked for me ?
1 ) See a chiropractor . They can adjust your foot to make sure it ? s properly aligned and use an activator device to help release tightness in the tissue .
2 ) Freeze a water bottle ( Dasani , Aquafina , etc .) and roll the arch of your foot on it for up to 10 minutes at a time . This will help calm inflammation and help alleviate pain . 3 ) Do the ? downward dog ? yoga stretch a couple of times a day . And / or stand on a step with just your toes . Let the heels of your feet drop off the step to stretch the arch area . Your foot pain is most likely caused by some cute shoes you ? ve been wearing . Hope this helps !
Julie Ryan , Psychic and Medical Intuitive , can be heard on The Law of Attraction Radio Network . The Ask Julie Ryan Show welcomes callers on Thursdays at 8pm EST , 7pm CST , 5pm PST and online submissions that may be answered on the air . For more information please go to www . AskJulieRyan . com . Page 55 - December , 2016