The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Seite 19

Let M e I n t rod u ce Y ou t o t h e Best Book Seri es Ever: Fi n d Som et h i n g A wesom e Every parent has this huge rocket of desire to help empower their children to live a magnificent life even though the majority of us were raised by fearful parents... that were taught by their parents... simply because the parents were never taught the power of their hearts and mind. The developmental years of 0-7 are extremely important in which traumatic emotions such as fears, punishment, abandonment, and anger may stay with that precious little spiritual being for the rest of their lives through cellular memory. Even something that we adults think of as being emotionally insignificant, may actually effect a child for their entire life span. One of the most precious memories I have is when my father sat down with my brother and me and read us the incredible imaginative book called "The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss." It was a memory that sustained me through my life's trials and tribulations and one that I keep close to my heart, even today. I remembered that most loving, wonderful moment at the time of Page 00 - Au gu st , 2017 my father 's death. One brief moment of time influenced me dramatically to know that I am loved and appreciated. I knew what security and love felt like because my father took the time to read us. Reading to children is a bonding moment that will last a lifetime. So the question is, how do we empower our children and grandchildren to develop their power and create a incredible life of happiness, love, respect and success? Recently, I came upon a series of books, "Fin d Som et h in g Aw esom e," designed for children to learn about positive thinking, gratitude, mindfulness and focused imagination, in other words, the Law of Attraction! The messages are very simple and excites the child to turn on their brain power in which to move away from fear and shift into the power of gratitude. It also help them to flip the switch from negative thinking and away from the debilitating "victim mentality." To my delight, these books have the same excitement I felt when we read "The Cat in the Hat." SO, I now proclaim Mr. Matt Scott to be the new "Seuss." Matt has three children of his own which inspired the series of 6 books. Each book teaches children, in their early developmental years, the necessary wisdom and life lessons that we adults get through reading self-help books. The series progresses through Level 1 to Level 6. This series of books are highly recommended by teachers, therapists, parents and especially children. In the fun manner of putting poetry to work with the delightful graphics, these books capture the joyful moments of reading to your children over and over and over again. With every book, you cement a bond that never leaves the child and that will teach them the most important lesson of a lifetime which is h ow t r u ly pow er f u l t h ey ar e. Following is a little snippet of what to expect from these wonderful books. You want to have a wonderful tool that will teach children about their power? You just found it! Page 19, Au gu st , 2017