The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August, 2015 | Page 2

The Science For Creat ing Heaven On Eart h Dr. Bruce Lipt on August and Sept ember Ast rol ogy Report by Manish Kamur Arora Law of At t ract ion PROOF Julie Renee Pil l ay,, M.D., PageSrini 2 - August 2015 Linda Cruse in Nepal Humanitarian Mission 6 St eps To Hel p You t o Be t he Change By Col l ect ive-Evol ut Weal t h is a St at e of Being Weal t h Consciousness Uni New Heal ing Modal it y Int roduced t o U.S. Aren't Sleeping? Check Your Body Clock! Joe Mart ino Law of At t ract ion Myt hs