Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code
The Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code was
devised by the Myfanwy Townsend Melanoma Research Fund. Launched in 2014, it
was written with the help of Mr Paul Banwell
FRCS (Plast), the Association for Physical
Education (afPE), sports coach UK and the
Youth Sport Trust.
The initiative is targeted principally at anybody working with primary school aged
children (6-12). If you are an individual or a
group, we will help you produce and most
importantly implement a sun protection
The Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code will…
• Help you understand why sun protection is
important – even in the UK.
• Enable you to develop an effective sun protection policy, tailored for your sport/activity
and resources.
• Provide ideas to help you implement sun
protection throughout the summer.
• Offer resources to help you communicate
and raise awareness to others.
• Provide accreditation, showing that you are
doing the best you can to protect the kids in
your care.
Simply follow these 5 easy steps:
1 Get registered
2 Read the OK Guidelines and share with
3 Create you OK Sun Pledge
4 Use our resources to promote awareness
5 Embed into your working practices and
get OK accredited!
Youth Sport Trust PE and School Sport Survey
he Youth Sport Trust has launched its
2015 national survey to help inform
the charity’s work by investigating the
quality and provision of PE, physical activity
and school sport across primary, secondary
and special schools.
The survey, which has been developed
with the support of headteachers, aims to
identify emerging trends across PE, physical
activity and school sport. It also seeks to
give schools the opportunity to benchmark
their own performance against others
locally and nationally.
The 2015 national suvery will help explore a
range of issues including:
• The amount of time dedicated to PE across
all key stages
• The positive impact it has on life skills
• The connection between school and community activity
• The level of engagement that school leaders/school sport practitioners encourage pupils to have with PE, sport and physical activity
• Th