The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 3 | Page 32

Easing Recall Burdens at the Warehouse ( cont .)
patient in realizing results . Usually , you must implement progressive steps over time before obtaining return on investment ( ROI ).
• Involve operating personnel from the get-go . Do not wait until the system is about to go live to involve key staff — operating personnel should be part of your project team from the start . This reduces the learning curve and helps with buy in .
• Be proactive . Follow recommended preventative maintenance schedules instead of waiting for something to break at the most inopportune moment . You will not have to pay for expensive , major repairs down the road and will avoid delays that negatively affect customer satisfaction .
Positioning for the Future
While warehouse automation technology — a WES and an AS / RS — can help food professionals keep products fresh , prevent and mitigate recalls , enable compliance with industry regulations and protect consumers , they also provide long-term benefits that generate additional cost savings . The WES- AS / RS combination allows companies to improve overall efficiency , meet growing customer demand , raise productivity , lower risks , boost throughput and increase inventory accuracy . Plus , an AS / RS has an average life span of 25 to 30 years with typical payback periods of between three to five years .
For companies considering a WES , it is important to note that although a WES is able to replace WMS and WCS applications altogether , its flexibility allows for various deployment options . With a WES , users can enable or disable the WCS functions as needed . This approach lets companies implement an integrated WMS and WCS solution while only using the functionality needed at the time . As the company ’ s needs grow and automation is introduced , the WCS functionality can be enabled quickly , saving time , training and other costs associated with buying a new system .
As reports of recalls and industry regulations show no signs of slowing down , it is up to food professionals to investigate new means for mitigating these harmful incidents and promoting food safety . The answer lies in technology , and warehouse automation is a key piece of the puzzle .
“ Easing Recall Burdens at the Warehouse ,” Dave Williams , Food Quality & Safety , April / May 2016 , Copyright © 2016 , Wiley Periodicals , Inc .
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