The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 3 | Page 2

CONTENTS ISSUE 3 FEATURED ARTICLES 20 26 AS/RS and Automated Layer Picking: A Robust Robotic Combination By: Alexandra Puppelo Job Site Safety By: Jon Schultz 30 24 Preparing to Automate: Evaluating Operations Prior to Implementation By: Aaron Corcoran IN THIS ISSUE 5 Heaven Hill Brands Selects 6 8 Westfalia as Automation Partner Automating the Future with Warehouse Software Controls By: Chris Chappell Brewing up Automation: How AS/RS can support ongoing SKU growth By: Aaron Corcoran 10 Automated Equipment 14 Easing Recall Burdens at the Warehouse By: Gary Frank 32 8 Questions to Measure your Automation Requirements By: Dan Labell 34 Don’t Let Inventory Take By: Olivia Mitchell By: Robert Douglas 36 Hiring Skilled Technicians Preparing for Future Growth with Automation By: Dave Williams 38 Implementing a WES with the Right Software Vendor By: Morgan Williams 16 Green Business Initiative Number 1: Automation FROM OUR VENDORS 18 Integrated Conductor The Satellite Review Don’t miss out on your complete resource guide to obtaining a competitive advantage with warehouse automation. Rail Systems for AS/RS 28 By: Rod Griffith Virtual Reality Offers Real Advantages in Material Handling Download this FREE eBook at: By: Ian McGregor for the New Era of the Supply Chain By: Robert Douglas The Satellite Review Magazine is published yearly by Westfalia Technologies, Inc., 3655 Sandhurst Drive, York, PA 17406. This is a free yearly publication, no subscription rates apply. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Westfalia Technologies, Inc., 3655 Sandhurst Drive, York, PA 17406. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. All rights reserved. ©2016 Westfalia Technologies, Inc. 2 One indisputable fact exists for most manufacturers and distributors: warehouse automation stands as one of the last areas where long-term costs can be significantly reduced. In addition to providing long-term benefits that generate additional cost savings, warehouse automation technology, specifically the combination of an AS/RS and WES, can help manufacturers and distributors: • keep products fresh • prevent recalls • enable compliance with industry regulations • protect consumers Overcoming the Order Fulfillment Burden with WES By: Dave Williams Over. Get More Space. Safety 12 Glenmore Distillery: SO YOU WANT TO AUTOMATE? 844.391.9822 [email protected]