The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 3 | Page 16

FT_2.5x9 ad.pdf 1 8/18/2016 9:15:33 AM GREEN BUSINESS INITIATIVE Easing Recall Burdens at the Warehouse (cont.) • • Green Business Initiative #1: automation By Gary Frank VP Automated Systems, Westfalia Technologies, Inc. G oing green means practicing certain actions in order to benefit the environment. As seen in recent headlines, major companies like Kellogg Co., UPS and Google are executing large sustainable and “green” goals not only to benefit the company’s bottom line but to accommodate consumers. An online study by Nielsen found that three out of four millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable products. Companies that market their sustainability practices are more likely to build brand reputation and grow loyalty among younger consumers. Three popular ways to “go green” in the workplace are to reduce carbon emissions, purchase green products and implement automation into your warehouse. Adding automation, like an automated storage and retrieval system (AS/ RS), to a warehouse not only improves operational efficiency but is also a great way to “go green.” A few of the areas where the AS/RS can help provide efficiency improvements include land use, waste consumption and energy consumption. Compared to conventional storage systems, an AS/ RS decreases the need for space by 40%. So by utilizing the smaller footprint more efficiently, the remaining “green” space doesn’t need to be removed in order for the company to add onto their warehouse. Westfalia’s AS/RS is designed for each specific business model, maximizing space for more storage. Systems can be designed to store single deep, 16 The Satellite Review double deep or up to 18 pallet loads deep. Don’t let the misconception of needing to have a specific size building or number of SKUs scare you away from automation. In fact, an AS/RS can be implemented into a variety of facility sizes helping large, medium and small companies create a more sustainable company. Waste often occurs within a warehouse because of damage caused by manual handling of product by fork trucks, etc. Rather, an AS/RS uses conveyors and a storage and retrieval machine (S/RM), which eliminates human error and can reduce damaged product. Incorporating a warehouse execution system (WES) with the AS/RS increases product picking accuracy, thus decreasing the amount of waste. The WES also optimizes material flow, which will add to providing more efficient use of your equipment and warehouse space. patient in realizing results. Usually, you must implement progressive steps over time before obtaining return on investment (ROI). Involve operating personnel from the get-go. Do not wait until the system is about to go live to involve key staff—operating personnel should be part of your project team from the start. This reduces the learning curve and helps with buy in. Be proactive. Follow recommended preventative maintenance schedules instead of waiting for something to break at the most inopportune moment. You will not have to pay for expensive, major repairs down the road and will avoid delays that negatively affect customer satisfaction. Positioning for the Future While warehouse automation technology—a WES and an AS/RS—can help food professionals keep products fresh, prevent and mitigate recalls, enable compliance with industry regulations and protect consumers, they also provide long-term benefits that generate additional cost savings. Th