The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 3 | Page 12

G rowing warehouse trends suggest that those companies looking to upgrade their warehouse management system ( WMS ) to avoid reaching legacy status should also consider implementing a warehouse control system ( WCS ) to coordinate the automated aspects of the warehouse operations . Or , you can go one step further and take the integrated approach by introducing a warehouse execution system ( WES ). A WES is able to replace separate WMS and WCS applications while still allowing users to have the flexibility to utilize the specific functionality needed to address their warehouse needs .

If a company has not yet introduced automation warranting a WCS , it would be best to choose the WES option . This allows the organization to utilize needed WMS capabilities immediately . Then , should they choose to automate the warehouse , the organization can “ turn on ” the WCS functionality when appropriate . Taking this approach shortens system start-up duration , allows operators to familiarize themselves with the application and reduces training time .
A warehouse containing automation requires the use of a WCS that is designed with that automation in mind . It is also imperative that the WMS and the WCS are tightly coupled in an automated solution . If not , product traceability could be compromised because of gaps between the separate solutions . When utilizing a WES , the WCS functionality allows a customer to easily run and manage multiple , often complex , automation activities simultaneously from within the same application that houses the WMS functionality .
A good WCS is flexible , allows you to optimize your current software investment and is able to easily adapt to the needs of additional automation and material handling equipment . For those companies considering adding automation to their warehouses , there are three key factors to consider before implementing an integrated WMS / WCS , like Westfalia ’ s Savanna . NET ® WES :
1 . Do your homework . Finding and selecting the right software partner for your business takes time and effort . Bigger isn ’ t always better . Rather , you need to work with a company that you can trust and who will be willing to take the time to understand your individual business needs .
2 . Don ’ t underestimate the importance of training . The ability to identify key operators and system users early in the process is crucial to success . The more familiar operators are with the system , the more comfortable they will be with how it operates . Proper training is invaluable .
3 . Keep management and other key personnel within the organization informed and involved from the beginning . These people will make or break the success of the system .
As SKU proliferation continues to increase , the ability to easily manage inventory for production planning and order fulfillment is a must . A flexible warehouse software system that can manage the tasks of several areas simultaneously while supporting seamless addition / removal of equipment is a must in today ’ s fast-paced manufacturing and warehouse environments . Warehouse execution systems continue to play an ever-increasing role in controlling material movement and efficient order fulfillment from within the warehouse .
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