The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 2 | Page 4
AS/RS is a supply chain game changer,
leading the way to innovation
By Staci Cretu, M.S.
Marketing and Communications Manager
Whether it’s the third down, the bottom of
the ninth inning or a key moment in any
sport, there comes a time when the competition is fierce and can bring out the best in
people. Only a few athletes have the ability
to execute a pivotal play and change the
game at any moment. These prized athletes
lead their teams to victory and have shaped
the way we look at the world of sports.
These leaders have a willingness to look at
things differently and take risks.
ment and process change to enable the
maximum benefit to the customer. It’s not
just the equipment or machine quality that
defines a high quality AS/RS but rather the
quality of the process and the people that
are involved.
All sports have people and so does
Beyond the equipment, it takes a special
person or team of people to be great. The
Automated storage and retrieval systems
incorporation of automation in a facility is
(AS/RS) in the world of material handling
no different. It is a misconception that autoplay a similar role to these inspired athletes. mation destroys jobs or displaces workers.
AS/RS has truly changed the game of mate- While some jobs may be rendered obsolete,
rial handling. Although some consider this workers are still needed. In fact, these jobs
technology “disruptive,” AS/RS are changhave now evolved into higher-level, more
ing the way many companies are doing
technical positions to support automabusiness with some arguing it has become
tion. With the integration of automation, a
the new standard.
once-laborer is now a maintenance engineer, responsible for operating the automaHowever, like one athlete is part of a team, tion and technology introduced into the
automation alone is not the game changer; facility. These once ‘manufacturing workers’
it’s the combination of equipment, humans will now be treated as ‘knowledge workers,’
and technology working hand-in-hand to
maintaining specialized skills for operating
achieve a greater purpose – the safe and
this equipment and technology.
efficient movement of goods.
In the end, the right automation and techLike a coach, an AS/RS can also
nology paired with the right workers will
lead its team to victory
position companies for success and uphold
their staying power in the competitive
Team coaches produce wins through a
businesslike approach to maximizing the
potential of players. The best coaches are
Game changers lead the way to
able to coolly analyze opponents, matching innovation
their opponents’ weaknesses with their
teams’ strengths.
Like a professional sports player who strives
for continued success in a chosen sport, for
Like a team coach, Westfalia’s AS/RS design continued growth we must all continually
helps companies maximize the potential
disrupt ourselves for continued growth and
of their facilities and inventory. We also
keep a mindset of innovation to all be game
implement just the right am