The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 2 | Page 19
in the aisle are built-in to this procedure. The S/RM has no
ability to sense persons in the rack or in the aisle.
TIP #2- Only trained personnel should enter
the S/RM aisle:
Untrained persons can do serious damage to people and
property, including themselves, in the S/RM aisle. The control panel of the S/RM allows for the potential to override
safety limits and to move the S/RM in ways that cannot
physically be seen from the cab. In addition, an untrained
person would not know how to safely enter or exit the aisle
and could potentially be caught in a situation where an S/
RM is moving in automatic mode while that person is in
the aisle. Once in the aisle, always be alert and aware of who
and what is in the aisle at all times.
TIP #3- Properly store S/RM keys:
The S/RM key systems are designed to provide for the safety
of trained personnel in the S/RM danger area. The locking
mechanism of the S/RM does not allow operators to run the
S/RM in automatic while the S/RM’s control panel is turned
to manual, providing an additional layer of safety. The
enable key and gate key should be permanently attached
together and in either the aisle access panel (automatic
mode) or the S/RM cab (manual mode) at all times.
Misplaced entry keys can cause real potential for danger in
the S/RM aisle.
TIP #4- Use the buddy system in the aisle:
Entering the aisle of an S/RM, even when following proper
protocols, is not risk-free. Operators often need to move
precarious pallets or make other adjustments that could be
potentially dangerous. Westfalia recommends that operators
enter the aisle in pairs so as to watch out for each other’s
TIP #5- Only perform tasks after proper
Not everyone is qualified to accomplish every task. Specialized tasks should be left to persons with proper training.
Do not attempt any kind of electrical work without electrical training. Do not attempt mechanical repairs without
mechanical training and training in the components and
safety of the S/RM. If an operator is not sure if he or she has
the proper training, consult a supervisor. Westfalia’s service
team is also available for guidance.
Service mode cannot be accessed without the service mode
key properly turned to the correct position in the S/RM cab.
Because only highly trained personnel should access this
mode, the service mode key should be safely stored away
from the S/RM, preferably in a supervisor’s office.
The gate safety latch override key is used only for power
outages when it is necessary to be able to enter or exit the
aisle through the normally powered access gate. This key
should never be left in the door. To ensure safety of personnel, keep the gate safety latch override key in a safe location,
like a supervisor’s office, in a box with a tamper-evident
seal. This will keep access limited and it will be apparent
whenever anyone has used this key. This key should not be
kept on a key ring with access to the other S/RM keys.
The Satellite Review