The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 1 | Page 34

NO SPACE? NO PROBLEM. No space? No problem: Using automation to leverage existing assets and accommodate growth By Gary Frank, VP of Automated Systems, Westfalia Technologies, Inc. After experiencing a period of significant growth, you realize that your remaining warehouse space is limited. Your facility is maxed out, and you’re receiving pressure from upper management to meet these growth needs. In order to accommodate your booming business, you immediately decide to embark on an expansion project and begin weighing your options. Should you build a brand new warehouse, utilize an off-site storage facility, or expand the current facility? Although these options will certainly generate more space, in actuality, the general construction will yield nothing to ROI and add minimal value to the growth process. Instead of 34 The Satellite Review opting for expensive new construction, you may be overlooking the most practical solution, your existing facility. All you need is the right type of automation. By retrofitting your warehouse with the right automation technology, you can easily leverage your existing assets and real estate to accommodate growth. Retrofitting opens the door for many new opportunities and benefits that new construction would not provide. Introducing high-density Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) can increase the warehouse’s storage capacity without expanding the facility itself. Oftentimes, AS/RS can increase the storage space dramatically so that you can effectively manage your growth on site. It is also possible to integrate other capabilities into the AS/RS with the existing warehouse, including order fulfillment case picking to go along with unit load demand. As a result, you get even more value out of your investment. Second, it is easier to justify the cost of automation systems if the general construction can be reduced or eliminated from the equation. Facilities themselves do not generate ROI and only dilute the return for the automation being considered. To reiterate, with automation, you’ll not only eliminate the element of new construction, but also receive the added benefits of increased productivity, greater inventory accuracy, and