The Satellite Review Magazine 2020 Issue 7 | Page 7

Traditional warehousing operations are typically managed using either a warehouse management system ( WMS ), a warehouse control system ( WCS ), or both . The WMS is used to manage the workflow of the operation , while the WCS is used to execute the workflow by controlling the automation . When tightly integrated within the same software application , they make up what is known as a warehouse execution system ( WES ). However , the effective use of these systems often requires complex integrations and if the systems are not properly communicating , companies risk inventory inaccuracies , misrouted products , and confusing workflows , all of which have an impact on the order fulfillment process .

A WES helps manufacturers and distributors direct , control and optimize material flow and order picking through a single application . Facilities of any size can benefit from a WES to manage their internal and external processes . Once the facility ’ s staff are prepared to expand their automation initiatives , the WES helps facilitate integration of tasks with ERP , billing , ordering and fulfillment systems . This level of integration increases staff efficiency and prepares the facility for future growth .
With its modular capability , the WES gives companies of any size the ability to utilize the functions they need to manage their warehousing processes . These modules can range from managing invoices and tracking inventory , to supporting full automation within the warehouse . As the additional processes and / or pieces of automation are integrated into the facility , the WCS features can be activated within the WES , preventing the need to implement an entirely new system . The continuous use of a WES for warehouse management tasks helps staff become more familiar with the software and its functionality , thus dramatically reducing startup time . As additional automation is applied to warehouse control functions , staff can adopt new automation into the day-to-day processes instead of needing to learn new applications .
By integrating a high-density automated storage and retrieval system ( AS / RS ) with a WES , manufacturers can better manage their inventory to obtain accurate , real-time information on products moving throughout the warehouse to increase efficiency and decrease the time to market for its brands . Every business has its own processes and solutions , so a “ one-size-fitsall ” system will not always work . A high-density AS / RS has the ability to simplify and execute different processes inside of the same building footprint . Combining different picking strategies , automated and manual order fulfillment technologies , and WES software prepares the business for future demands .
Connecting Upstream and Downstream
The ability to easily integrate a WES with both upstream and downstream applications within the supply chain provides a significant advantage for manufacturers . This adds a level of traceability that allows manufacturers to respond to problems within the process faster , while also ensuring that they are meeting regulation standards . This high degree of product traceability can also help manufacturers discover and react to recalls in a timelier manner . Earlier detection of recalls allows for quicker identification of affected product and full understanding of the affected products , which could significantly reduce the scope of the recall effort .
Scaling for Size
The adaptability and scalability of a WES helps warehouses avoid extra time and cost of purchasing a separate WCS and the need to totally relearn applications . In doing so , companies can enhance their automation initiatives with minimal resistance from staff . By adopting automation , distributors have the ability to more easily optimize internal material flow and order picking to ensure complete product traceability , staff efficiency and cost savings .
Meeting Just-in-Time Order Fulfillment
The combination of a WES and automation allows warehouses to quickly and efficiently retrieve products as they are needed . Response time for late truck arrivals and other “ surprises ” is reduced with automation and the powerful software systems that control it .
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