The Satellite Review Magazine 2019 Satellite Review Magazine | Page 23

S hoppers are increasingly getting more selective about fresh food. In 2017, fresh food accounted for 30.5 percent of food purchases. This consumer demand places even more pressure on fresh food supply chains to transparently deliver food fast, and with the highest quality. For this reason, gro- cery warehouses are increasing their invest- ments in automation to assist with food quality control, compliance, and specialized needs. However, these warehouses can face limitations when multiple types of automation are used and mixed together. Sortation equipment, AS/RS, conveyors, layer pickers and robotics can conflict with each other. Many fresh food companies rely on some sort of software program to help manage their inventories, whether a warehouse management system (WMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution or something homegrown. Yet, these software programs are often older, and moreover, do not interface with equipment control systems, material handling components and in some cases manual operations. In a time when order accuracy, traceability, speed and cost savings are of utmost importance, the fresh food industry requires a more robust solution driven by an effective warehouse execution system (WES). Fairly new, but quickly catching on across industries, a WES is a set system software that combines the functionality of a WMS and a warehouse control system (WCS) into a single, integrated solution. Essentially, a WES provides the inventory management, storage optimiza- tion and traceability features of a WMS, and the automation control components of a WCS. A WES is able to receive and track product, as it marries inventory to customer orders. When orders are received, the WES breaks them into logical units of work and then directs material handling equipment and/or manual labor to execute the work. This “two-in-one” solution drastically reduces the complexity of utilizing several different “function-specific” applications and simplifies the entire warehousing opera- tion. For fresh food, a key benefit of a WES is its flex- ibility. A solution that can easily integrate with other applications and various types of ware- housing equipment, regardless of the amount of automation is crucial. In fact, automated systems are not required to use a WES. You can utilize just the WMS capabilities, and then “turn on” the WCS functionality when needed. This allows operators to familiarize themselves with the system and its user interface, thereby reducing training time and expediting system start-up, and then new equipment or automa- tion can be introduced as the business grows. The flexibility of an efficient WES can also allow fresh food chains to better allocate their resources, equipment and labor. This is vital, because with real-time visibility into their equipment, inventory levels, order profiles and SKUs, operators can quickly shift priorities to maintain faulted equipment or manage opera- tions more efficiently when bottlenecks occur in certain areas of the operation. They can also anticipate bottlenecks and production short- ages, rather than reacting to these situations at the last minute. For example, if workers find that they are short a particular SKU during load out, they can easily look into the system and see how quickly they can get that SKU. Then, they can reallocate resources to the appropriate area. Or, they can send the product directly from production to load out for that particular order. Again, automation technology is not needed to take advantage of a WES. Even if you are still using conventional labor, the systems stream- line worker productivity by presenting the tasks to the operator in a very succinct, meaningful manner. As a result, order fulfillment is more accurate—the right products go out the door to the right customer at the right time. Plus, the systems’ traceability functions ensure that rules such as FEFO (first expired, first out) are followed. When considering a WES, the first step is to perform a thorough analysis of your operations. You may be surprised to find where you are incurring costs, perhaps from double-han- dling stacks and pallets, long load-out times or inaccurate inventory information. Also, before implementation, be sure to clearly define your expectations and desired results. Most impor- tantly, choose a modular solution – one that is flexible and will grow with your business as you add new systems, equipment and automated technologies. The Satellite Review 23