The Satellite Review Magazine 2017 Satellite Review Magazine_pages hi res | Page 30
By Robert Sushinski
Marketing Coordinator, Westfalia Technologies, Inc.
mplementing an automated storage and retrieval
system (AS/RS) into your warehouse operations can
be an efficient, quick, and accurate way to store and
retrieve a growing number of SKUs in a high density area.
This system, when properly serviced, can operate during
all production times, and still won’t need a break. Due to
the amount of hours a system is running, it is important to
clean and lubricate the machine, adjust the chain tension,
and have a world-C.L.A.S.S service plan in place to main-
tain the system.
C – Clean
When it comes to keeping an AS/RS up and running at
The Satellite Review
optimal performance, keeping the system and surrounding
areas clean should be a priority. “A company needs to have
an active maintenance plan when it comes to these systems,
not passive.” Says Anthony Macharola, service manager,
Westfalia Technologies, Inc. “Waiting until a part fails,
which usually isn’t just one part, will cost the company more
than having someone in the building dedicated to AS/RS
The storage and retrieval machine (S/RM) is the heart of the
system. This is the crane that glides down the aisle and lifts
each pallet into place. As the S/RM is constantly running, it
is easy for pallet debris and dust to accumulate on the mov-
ing parts. When mixed with the oil and lubricants, this dust