The Satellite Review Magazine 2017 Satellite Review Magazine_pages hi res | Page 24

TAKE A SNACK BREAK WITH WES GIVE YOUR WAREHOUSE A Snack Break WITH WAREHOUSE EXECUTION SYSTEMS By Dave Williams Director of Software & Solutions Delivery, Westfalia Technologies, Inc. O ver the last decade, there has been a health-conscious shift in consumer tastes in snacks. Growing concerns about eating foods that are high in calories, fat, sugar and sodium and use artificial ingredients and hormones have led consumers to seek more nutritious alternatives to their traditional snack foods. In a Nielsen Global Health & Wellness Survey of 30,000 consumers, nearly 90 percent said they are willing to pay more for healthier foods. To meet this growing demand, food manufacturers are introducing more re- duced-fat and low-calorie options as well as 100-calories packs for individuals focused on portion control. Moreover, many companies are seizing the healthy snack market by offering organic, non-GMO and gluten-free products and new options like kale chips, chia bars and roasted chickpeas, presenting consumers with more choices and brand variety than ever before. 24 The Satellite Review www.