The Sandbag Times Issue No:31 SBTIssue31 | Page 10
Bricks, Mortar, Paper and Rotweillers
Another report from the world of the SBT & Osteopathic Ken
Howdo Baggers!
I’m going to bore you with another sponsors
update because Pablo told me I had to, and if
I don’t get it done he’ll be a pestering sod!
Well, me and Ken had our much needed
holiday in sunny (and, boy, it WAS sunny)
Fuerteventura but it seems like it was ten
months ago now, not merely two, we can’t
quite believe it’s all over and categorised as
another memory *Sighs* It begs the question
is it actually worth going on holiday because
it’s over and photos before you can say
Tommy Atkins, plus, you are fatter on your
return and never quite seem to “get back to
normal”, horrifyingly this is why I think I may
be 25 stone in about 5 years time! Oh, and
we’ve finished the building project we were
working on – it’s taken twice as long as
intended and cost twice as much as planned
(isn’t that always the way). I have thanked
God profusely that it’s FINALLY over and I
NEVER want to do another building project
again. Ever. I doubt Ken will learn though -
but he has to realise he can’t work two full
time jobs indefinitely. Especially at his age.
As you know, because you can see and feel it
we did get Issue 29 made flesh, and will
continue on real live paper. Personally, it’s
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seems a far superior experience to read the
printed word on paper, as opposed to the
printed word on a screen – maybe it’s old
fashioned but give me a tatty but tangible,
page-ripped, bath-ruined book over a lifeless
Kindle any day. Hopefully you, dear readers,
will also enjoy the weighty tome as opposed
to squinting at a mobile screen and getting
eye wrinkles, and maybe you’ll collect it and
pile it up in the corner of your bedroom - just
like you did with Smash Hits in the 80’s. By
the way, Issue 29’s proceeds are going
towards helping the Chennai Six. Future
issues will, as planned, go towards helping
homeless veterans and those in the custody
system – but no one seems to be bothered
about the Six and Pablo is trying to highlight
their plight so they can at least take heart that
someone is fighting their corner - and there’s
no one more tenacious to have in your corner
than our Rotwieller Pablo I can assure you!
There are plenty of exciting things afoot for
the SBT future episodes, never fear!!
Anyway, back to work booking people in for
Ken to maul about, osteopathically, of course.
Jax & Ken xx