14 Saltus Stage
Spotlight on
Secondary Drama
Middle School Assembly.
Year 7 Drama students entertained the Middle school by presenting their original pantomimes in our recent Performing Arts assembly to the whole of S7 and 8. Students have been learning about the history and conventions of pantomime. They then researched one of the traditional stories and created their own stage adaptations. Students who contributed the most in class received free tickets to this year’s Sleeping Beauty pantomime at the Daylesford theatre. Video clips are on the right!
GCSE Exploring history and society through drama….
GCSE Students have been exploring the theme of oppression for their Unit 1 exam. They have learned about historic forms of racism and sexism and how modern forms of oppression can be tackled and possibly resolved. They are currently studying Arthur Millar’s The Crucible and are looking forward to devising their own pieces after Christmas. Our trip to Stratford allowed students to write about world-class productions for their coursework this year. It also instilled a new appreciation of the art and craft of theatre making.
A2 Drama and Theatre students have been applying what they have learned about the wonderful world of physical theatre in preparation for their Unit 3 performances in February. More details to follow- please come along and support performance at Saltus! The students are writing and devising the piece themselves. Their theme is ‘Appearance vs Reality’ and promises to be very exciting indeed!
Rosie Welsh and Marcus Smith created this ‘chair duet’ in response to studying the theatre company Frantic Assembly.