The Sacramental Times December 2013 | Page 4

The sacrament of reconciliation is a method to reflect on the sins that we have committed and repent. through a priest, we can get divine mercy to make our sins right with God, and to give the respect he deserves for his unconditional love. Jesus gave this sacrament to us, and it is a place where we can meet Jesus to be forgiven. This also helps us in mending our relationship with the church, which is also hurt from our sin. Through this sacrament, we can purify ourselves before we receive our communion, and be confirmed in the faith as a believer. The power to forgive is passed on from Jesus to the Apostles, who in turn passed it to the priest, but not in his name and glory, but for Christ.

In reconciliation, there are 4 parts of the ceremony: contrition, confession, satisfaction/ penance, and absolution. Contrition is a feel of guilt in the heart of all the injustices one has done against God, and a will to be right with God. It is a dissatisfaction in the heart for all the injustices done to God. This part of the sacrament is most important since this single feeling determines if the reconciliation was true and therefore valid in the eyes of God or untrue and just an outward action with no meaning for the person and for God.

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The sacrament of Reconciliation