The Sacramental Times December 2013 | Page 11

Maria Teresa Goretti

The catholic hero I have chosen is Maria Teresa Goretti. She was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, in the Province of Ancona, and her parents owned their own farm in Corinaldo. She was the third child in a family of seven. By the time Maria was six, her family was unable to afford their farm, and was forced to sell their farm. Over the next few years, Maria’s family went and worked for other farmers. First, they moved to Colle Gianturco, which is about 50 miles from Rome.

After working for two years there, they moved to Le Ferriere, near Nettuno, Italy. In Le Ferriere, they lived with Giovanni Serenely and Alessandro Soon, Giovanni’s son. At the age of nine, Maria’s father, whose name is Luigi, was diagnosed with malaria, and in another couple of months, he passed away. Maria’s job as the oldest sister was to cook food, sew clothes, watch her sister, and mostly keep the house clean. While she was cleaning the house, Maria’s brothers, sister, and mother would work in the fields. Maria’s entire family had a very tough life, but the family was very close, and they shared deep respect, love, and faith for God. On July 5, 1902, Maria, who was 11 at the time, was mending some clothes when Serenelli’s 19-year-old son Alessandro returned to the dwelling. Upon seeing Maria alone, Alessandra attempted to rape Maria. Maria continually rejected Alessandro, saying that if he commits a mortal sin, he will not go to heaven.

However, Alessandro didn’t care and stabbed her brutally 10 times, and went to take a nap, leaving Maria to die. Maria hadn’t died though, but was injured. Alessandro was awakened by Maria’s efforts to seek help, and stabbed her four more times. Maria’s whimpers awoke her baby sister, who further awoke Alessandro’s father. When Alessandro’s father saw Maria, he went to get help. Four hours later, Maria was sent to Nettuno in a horse drawn ambulance where the doctors tried to heal her wounds, but their efforts had no effect. Maria chose to forgive Alessandro after considering the brutality of the attack and the suffering faced after this attack, saying that she wanted to do this for Jesus’ love and wanted to see Alessandro in heaven. Unfortunately, Maria didn’t survive, but instead died the next day.

Maria Teresa Goretti definitely lives out the sacrament of reconciliation. Her willingness to forgive Alessandro demonstrates her will for Alessandro to go to heaven and to reconcile him with God. Other than demonstrating the sacrament of reconciliation, Maria also demonstrates two images of the church. The first image she shows is that of an advocate. As Alessandro tried to rape her, she did not go against God’s will and commit a mortal sin to live, but refused Alessandro. Through her actions, she advocated the policy of celibacy until marriage. Maria also demonstrates the teacher image through attempting to restrict Alessandro. While Alessandro was attempting to rape Maria, Maria was trying to save him by telling him not to commit a mortal sin, and teaching him of how to go to heaven.