The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 84

The Saber and Scroll
Babatha 档案的犹太性
20 世纪 60 年代 , 在死海西岸附近的纳哈尔赫维尔河谷 ( Nahal Hever ) 的一个洞穴中 , 考古学家 Yigael Yadin 发现了许多男 性 、 女性和儿童的尸骨 , 还在洞穴的一条缝隙中发现了大量 的莎草纸 。 该发现追溯到公元二世纪 。 本研究将分析其中一 个档案的重要性 , 这份档案属于一个名叫 Babatha 的女人 , 它提供了丰富的证据 , 关于公元二世纪阿拉伯佩特拉地区的 犹太女人在古罗马统治下的生活 。 更重要的是 , 本研究将揭 示在该古罗马占领地区中生活的犹太人并不像一些历史学家 认为的那么罗马化 。
关键词 : 希腊化 , 《密西拿》 , 《摩西五书》 , 阿拉姆语 , 查士丁尼 , 阿拉伯佩特拉 , 纳巴泰人 , 婚书 , 拉比

The Bar Kokhba Revolt of 132 CE was the final in a series of Jewish rebellions against Roman occupation . When Hadrian first became the Roman emperor in 118 CE , he initially allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Holy Temple , which the Romans had destroyed in 70 CE following the failure of the first Jewish revolt ( 66 – 73 CE ). However , Hadrian quickly retracted his word . By 123 CE , the Jews began to launch surprise guerilla attacks against the Romans . Roughly nine years later they began an organized rebellion under the guidance of Jewish military leader Simon Bar-Kokhba , who had previously succeeded in expelling Roman officials stationed in En-Gedi , a fertile desert oasis located within the boundaries of Arabia Petraea on the western banks of the Dead Sea near Masada and the Qumran caves . Simon Bar-Kokhba exerted unlimited authority over his army of 400,000 soldiers . In 132 CE , he led them on this final revolt against the Romans , which lasted three years . 1 Hadrian had pushed the Jews to the limit when he established the city of Aelia Capitolina on the ruins of Jerusalem and began to build a temple to Jupiter on the site of the destroyed Holy Temple . 2

Historian Werner Eck echoed second century historian Cassius Dio when he stated that the war was widespread , extending from Judaea to Arabia , and even into Syria . 3 In Roman History , Dio said , “ all Judaea had been stirred up , and the Jews everywhere were gathering together , and giving evidence of great hostility to the Romans , partly by secret and partly by overt acts ; many outside nations , too , were joining them through eagerness for gain , and the whole earth , one might almost say , was being stirred up over the matter .” 4