The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 62

The Saber and Scroll
Ricans were introduced to American ways , they could become good workers . He believed Puerto Ricans to be lazy and his diagnosis was that laziness was linked to Spanish colonialism , which kept Puerto Ricans “ in debt .” 11 The United States appeared to have a prescription for Puerto Rico ’ s economic problems so that it could attain economic freedom .
Since the Spanish had their own subjects in debt , Rector felt the island lacked “ some of the qualities of the stalwart American type .” And this condition consisted of the “ impossibility ” of ordinary Puerto Ricans having a say in their government . Their limitedness , as Rector described it , was the reason why Puerto Ricans were lazy , which was a characteristic that he was sure would be eradicated if the United States lent a hand to Puerto Rico so that they may “ rise by the work of their hand .” An alliance between Puerto Rico and the United States could allow the island to spur “ into greater and remunerative activity .” 12
Puerto Ricans were expected to adopt American economic customs as well as American culture . Elizabeth and Richard Van Deusen published a children ’ s short story in 1927 that implied that Puerto Ricans could engage with American traditions . “ Porto Rican Snow ” was a story that focused on the experience of two boys named William and Ricardo . William was from the United States and Ricardo was Puerto Rican . In the story , Ricardo notices that William was upset and asks him what was wrong . William said he was homesick ; a feeling that had been intensifying because he could not fathom Christmas being two weeks away with no snowy hills to go sledding to make him cherish the holiday season . Ricardo tried to cheer him up and asked him to accompany him and his father to see the snow on the mountain towns of “ Aibonito or Adjuntas .” Curious to see if Ricardo was bluffing , William joined Ricardo and his father on the trip and grew pleasantly surprised . Not only was the weather brisk , but Ricardo ’ s father pointed towards some white matter towards the side of a mountain that had William ecstatic . “ Snow ! Snow ! Snow !” William exclaimed . He even became euphoric once he got to go sledding down a hill . 13
What William believed to be snow was not snow . The white matter on the mountains were white tarps that covered tobacco plants from getting scorched by the sun . William wanted to experience an American Christmas that he was familiar with , which is what Ricardo and his father helped him experience . This story holds Christmas as an American tradition . In Puerto Rico , Christmas Day is celebrated as it is in many other parts of the Christian world . However , Puerto Ricans hold early January ’ s Three Kings Day as the pinnacle of the Christmas season . Therefore , “ Porto Rican Snow ” is not a short story about a boy who misses snow . It is a short story of a practice and holiday that Puerto Ricans can adopt alongside Three Kings Day to make them more American .