The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 56

The Saber and Scroll
13 Source : https :// npg . si . edu / object / npg _ S _ NPG . 85.291 ? destination = edan-search / defau lt _ search % 3Freturn _ all % 3D1 % 26edan _ q % 3DGeneral % 2520Charles % 2520Corn wallis % 252C % 25201st % 2520Marquis % 2520and % 25202nd % 2520Earl % 2520Cornwallis % 252C % 2520 % 26edan _ fq % 255B0 % 255D % 3Dmedia _ u sage % 253A % 2522CC0 % 2522 .
14 John Shy , A People Numerous and Armed : Reflections on the Military Struggle for American Independence , Rev . Ed . ( Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press , 1990 ), 237 .
15 O ’ Shaughnessy , The Men Who Lost America , 355 . 16 Ibid ., 23 .
17 Barbara Tuchman , The First Salute : A View of the American Revolution ( New York : Ballantine Books , 1988 ), 149 .
18 O ’ Shaughnessy , The Men Who Lost America , 357 . 19 Ibid ., 56 . 20 Atkinson , The British Are Coming , Kindle , loc . 3595 . 21 Ibid ., 121 . 22 Shy , A People Numerous and Armed , 274 .
23 Charles Stedman , The History of the Origin , Progress , and Termination of the American War in Two Volumes vol . 1 , 1794 Gale Reprint ( New York : Creative Media Partners , 2012 ), 447 .
24 Ibid ., 447-448 .
25 John S . Pancake , 1777 : The Year of the Hangman ( Tuscaloosa , Alabama : The University of Alabama Press , 1977 ), 226 .
26 O ’ Shaughnessy , The Men who Lost America , 353 . 27 Ibid ., 355 . 28 Ibid ., 253 . 29 bid ., 355 .

Alan Taylor , “ Global Revolutions ,” in the American Revolution : A World War , David K . Allison & Larrie D . Ferreiro , Eds . ( Washington , DC : Smithsonian Books , 2018 ), 30 .

31 Ibid ., 49 .
32 Stedman , The History of the Origin , Progress , and Termination of the American War vol 2 , p 449 .