The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 54

The Saber and Scroll
possessions around the globe . 29 France and Spain did not get much from the treaty because of British victories late in the war in the West Indies , India , and at Gibraltar . 30 The winners were America and England . The most important issue to England was ensuring its dominance over the maritime domain . All countries involved in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 reaffirmed English rights to stop and inspect neutral ships , the basis for their economic warfare , ensuring they maintained the balance of power around the globe . 31 With a hint at conducting a war against a large population , Stedman admits that no contemporary army would have been successful “ in a country where the people are tolerably united .” 32 At the time , even the British realized that the problem in America was wicked .
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Atkinson , Rick . The British Are Coming : The War for America , Lexington to Princeton , 1775-1777 . New York : Henry Holt & Company , 2019 . Kindle .
Brumwell , Stephen . Redcoats : The British Soldier and War in the Americas , 1755- 1763 . New York : Cambridge University Press , 2002 .
Middlekauff , Robert Middlekauff . The Glorious Cause : The American Revolution : 1763-1789 . New York : Oxford University Press , 2005 .
Morrill , Dan L . Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution . Baltimore : The Nautical & Aviation Publishing , 1993 .
O ’ Shaughnessy , Andrew Jackson . The Men Who Lost America : British Leadership , the American Revolution , and the Fate of the Empire . New Haven : Yale University Press , 2013 .
Pancake , John S . 1777 : The Year of the Hangman . Tuscaloosa , Alabama : The University of Alabama Press , 1977 .
Pearson , Michael . Those Damned Rebels : The American Revolution as Seen Through British Eyes . Boston : Da Capo Press , 1972 .
Shy , John . A People Numerous and Armed : Reflections on the Military Struggle for American Independence . Rev . ed . Ann Arbor , Michigan : The University of Michigan Press , 1990 .