The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 5

Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

The Saber and Scroll Journal • Volume 9 , Number 4 • Spring 2021
Chelsea Tatham Zukowski

Welcome to the first issue of 2021 — a year that brings with it hopes for a brighter , healthier future as we near the finish line of this awful pandemic . More and more people every day are getting vaccinated for COVID-19 , and there are growing signs that a sense of “ normalcy ” is on the horizon . For us here at the Saber and Scroll Historical Journal , the events of the past year have instilled an appreciation for the evolution of modern medicine and technology that has allowed us to stay connected , informed , and entertained amid pandemic isolation .

The last year has also brought on many changes — both for us authors and for the journal . This author was pleased to join the editorial team as a contributing editor for the Winter 2020 issue and is honored to have had a hand in bringing this Spring 2021 issue to publication while also having her own work featured . Turn the page for her deep dive into how major comic book superheroes served as political and cultural commentary during war time in twentieth century America .
As for the journal , the editorial staff has decided to publish three issues this year instead of four to ensure we continue to deliver diverse , high quality historical scholarship . This Spring 2021 issue is the first of the year , and will be followed by an issue toward the end of summer / beginning of fall , and then a third and final issue for winter .
As for this issue , it is a veritable grab bag of historical research and arguments , ranging from the aforementioned survey of American comic books during war to another look at why the British lost the American Revolutionary War . That article presents six ways things went wrong in London at the time that led to a historic loss by the most powerful maritime force in the world .
If you are into late nineteenth century social and culture history like this author , check out the selection on Wild West shows and Native American culture . The article explores how these types of shows were not only some of the most popular forms of entertainment during this time , but how they also gave a safe platform for Native Americans to showcase their customs , traditions , and culture .
If you are looking for a new post-pandemic travel destination , there is a piece about the Skagway Commercial Club ’ s efforts to attract more tourists to the Alaskan city in the early twentieth century . Then there is a look at the evolution of American foreign policy in Puerto Rico from the turn of the century through the mid-twentieth century , including how those policies contributed to opinions about the island ’ s culture and tourism . In another article , early Jewish history takes
1 doi : 10.18278 / sshj . 9.4.1