The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 3

The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9 , Number 4 • Spring 2021 © 2021 Policy Studies Organization
Welcome Letter ...................................................................................................... 1 Chelsea Tatham Zukowski
From Captain America to Watchmen : Comic Book Superheroes and War in Twentieth Century America .............................................................. 5
Chelsea Tatham Zukowski
The Skagway Commercial Club .......................................................................... 21 Jennifer L . Williams
Why the British Lost the American Revolution ................................................ 41 Gerald Krieger
The Doctrines of Imagination : American Foreign Policy & the Images of Puerto Rico , 1898-1965 ............................................................ 53
Carlos A . Santiago
A Division at War — Part II ................................................................................. 67 Dr . Robert Young
The Jewishness of the Babatha Archives ............................................................ 79 Mary Jo Davies
Wild West Shows : An Unlikely Vehicle for the Survival of the Native American Culture in the Late Nineteenth Century ............................... 95
Melissa Sims
Book Review : Brian McAllister Linn ' s The Philippine War : 1899 – 1902 ........ 109 Lewis A . Taylor II
Book Review : Peter Wallenstein ’ s Blue Laws and Black Codes : Conflicts , Courts and Change in Twentieth-Century Virginia ......................... 111
Matt Brent
Book Review : Lindsay M . Chervinsky ’ s The Cabinet : George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution ............................... 115
Chris Schloemer
Submission Guidelines ...................................................................................... 119