The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 29

The Skagway Commercial Club
in this paper but no references to tourism or the promotion of Skagway . Skagway ’ s self-promotion through the Commercial Club and dominance in the cruise ship literature helped the small town become a must-see cruise destination in Southeast Alaska . It would establish Skagway as a primary destination that continues to be popular today .
In the post-Gold Rush era , Skagway wanted to capitalize on the Gold Rush history and the natural beauty of its location at the head of Lynn Canal . Skagway ’ s Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1900 to support existing businesses and attract new businesses to the small town . The Alaska Traveler ’ s Guide routinely covered the Chamber ’ s weekly meetings during the paper ’ s existence . “ The Chamber is composed of many of Skagway ’ s leading business men ” including Dr . L . S . Keller . 9 The stated purpose of the organization was “ to promote the general prosperity of the district of Alaska and the city and port of Skagway in particular .” 10 Unfortunately , the Chamber records have not survived to indicate the membership or the Chamber ’ s specific involvement in the promotion of Skagway between its founding in 1900 and 1940 , the time frame for this article . However , many of the names in connection with the Skagway Commercial Club were also members of the Chamber and the Commercial Club was a broader appeal to all citizens of Skagway , as indicated by articles published in The Daily Alaskan , to become involved in the promotion of the town .
Between 1910 and 1914 , the Skagway Commercial Club was the most active in the promotion of Skagway as a tourist destination . One of the first acts of the Skagway Commercial Club in 1909 was to offer a prize for the best design to be used on the Commercial Club ’ s stationary masthead . The stationary was intended for “ all business men and other residents of Skagway who will use the same ” for the promotion of Skagway in regular correspondence , “ and assist in advertising and boosting the town … it must be descriptive of Skagway , conveying the idea that Skagway in the national GATEWAY TO THE INTERIOR , and that there is a greater variety of attractions for tourists here than any other place .” 11 Several published reports discuss the use of the promotional stationary by Herman Kirmse , the owner of one of the largest curios stores in Southeast Alaska at the time . 12 By the end of March 1910 , several the town ’ s major businesses were ordering Commercial Club stationary , “ thus making every letter that they write a traveling advertisement for Skagway .” 13
The greatest effort of promotion for Skagway by the Club came in 1910 with publication of a booklet for distribution . In a January 10 , 1910 article , The Daily Alaskan noted that in the meeting , “ it was decided to have 10,000 booklets printed which will set forth Skagway ’ s advantages and attractions as a tourist resort .” 14 The booklet contained photographs of Skagway . “ Secretary Muller read a booklet which he had prepared advertising Skagway as a summer tourist resort … Dyea , Denver Glacier … Smuggler ’ s Cove … over the old White Pass trail and to Atlin and