The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 14

The Saber and Scroll
Astronaut John W . Young , Apollo 10 command module pilot , displays a drawing of Snoopy in this color reproduction taken from the fourth telecast made by the color television camera aboard the Apollo 10 spacecraft . When this picture was made the Apollo 10 spacecraft was about halfway to the moon , or approximately 112,000 nautical miles from Earth . Snoopy will be the code name of the Lunar Module ( LM ) during Apollo 10 operations when the Command Module ( CM ) and LM are separated . The CM ’ s code name will be Charlie Brown . Also , aboard Apollo 10 were astronauts Thomas P . Stafford , commander ; and Eugene A . Cernan , lunar module pilot . Credit : NASA , S69-34076 ( 19 May 1969 )
created decent public housing , and combated political infighting at Metropolis city hall . 16 While Superman at the end of the Great Depression was a social savior , Batman was “ an example of the common person helping herself or himself .” 17 Though they came from different worlds — literally ; Superman is an alien from the planet Krypton — they were both products of the era in which they lived and dealt with enemies and issues as such . These characters and stories made standard the superhero as a defender of the innocent and as socially conscious characters . These original superheroes were “ New Deal avengers ” who dealt with , discussed , and fought the same social problems plaguing American citizens in the early twentieth century . 18